Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seeds

regular seeds

As regular seeds have a theoretic 50% chance of producing male plants, they require care and monitoring to ensure you only grow female cannabis plants. They’re ideal for growers looking to start breeding or those who are legally capped at a limited number of plants.

SSSC’s regular seed collection features some of our finest, original 1980’s genetics.

They’re cheaper

Choosing the right type of seed for your next crop can be tricky. Some growers like to plant regular seeds alongside feminized ones to account for the fact that not every seed will germinate, while others prefer to use only feminized varieties. Regardless of your preference, SSSC’s collection of regular seeds includes a wide selection of high-quality strains that are perfect for growing and breeding.

When a regular seed germinates, it has a 50% chance of becoming a male or female plant. This is different from feminized seeds, which have only a 1-in-1000 chance of producing a male plant. The advantage of using regular seeds is that they offer superior clones, and you can avoid the waste of space, nutrients, and time needed to remove male plants. This means you can get more out of your grow room. Plus, you can get a better crop overall. This is an important factor for any grower. The right seeds can make or break your harvest.

They’re more stable

Choosing the right seeds is an important part of cultivation. Growers can go for feminized seeds, which produce only female plants that will yield smokable buds, or regular ones, which have a 50/50 chance of becoming male and producing pollen.

Using feminized seeds can make the grower’s life easier as they don’t have to worry about male plants ruining their crop. However, some cultivators prefer to use regular seeds because they have a more interesting genetic lineage and can produce new phenotypes that aren’t available in feminized varieties.

Tropic Thunder regular is a mellow indica with fruity tones that will take your mind to a tropical paradise. It is a strain for veteran cultivators that requires a little more attention in order to maximize its potential, but it will reward you with yields of up to 35 oz by October. This strain is perfect for a laid-back nighttime chill out or a morning wake up.

They’re easier to sex

Unlike feminized seeds, regular plants can grow into both male and female cannabis plants. This means that they can be sexed to produce the best results for your growing situation. This also saves you from wasting time, money and growing space, as well as reducing the amount of fertilizer that is needed for a productive harvest.

Feminized seeds, on the other hand, will almost always grow into hermaphrodite plants. This is because they are produced using hermaphrodite parent plants, so the genetics of feminized seeds are more unstable than those of regular seed strains.

This also makes them less suitable for breeding, as it is very difficult to preserve the phenotype of a feminized plant by taking clones from it. In contrast, the process of producing clones from regular seeds is simpler and more straightforward. Furthermore, the phenotype of a regular cannabis plant is often more attractive than that of a feminized plant. As a result, many growers prefer to use regular seeds when breeding their own strains.

They’re easier to breed

Regular seeds produce both male and female plants, and they’re the best choice for those who want to breed cannabis strains. Feminized seeds are created by crossing two different female cannabis plants, but they require that the parent plants be stressed before the process begins in order to prevent pollination and ensure that only a single female plant is produced.

While feminized seeds are great for new growers, regular varieties are better for experienced cultivators. They are easier to sex, and they don’t have the same genetic instability that feminized seeds experience.

There are many high-quality feminized seeds available, but growing with regular cannabis seeds is an excellent way to learn about the full cultivation cycle and to develop your own unique hybrids. These seeds are also easier to breed and can be used as starting points for your own clones, which will be easier to sex once they reach the flowering stage. This makes them a popular choice for beginners and those who wish to cultivate their own unique cannabis strains.

Best Regular Seeds

How Cannabis Seeds Germinate

cannabis seed

Cannabis seeds can vary in size, shape and color, even amongst a pack of technically labeled same-strain seeds. This can lead to growers thinking that a seed’s appearance is indicative of its quality.

ILGM offers 24/7 customer support and a germination guarantee. They also offer BOGO deals on feminized and auto flowering seeds.


There are a number of ways that cannabis seeds can be germinated. One popular method uses a germination station, which is a piece of equipment that mimics a greenhouse environment. These are relatively inexpensive and easy to use, but there are also DIY options.

When using a germination station, it is important to make sure the seeds don’t dry out. If they do, the root that sprouts from the seed will stop seeking moisture and won’t open.

To prevent this, a paper towel should be placed over the seeds and lightly spritzed with water throughout the day. This should be done gently to avoid squishing the seed or its outer shell. Ideally, the paper towel should be moist throughout but not drippy. This ensures that the seed will be able to open up and start absorbing nutrients.


Soil is the natural body that supports rooted plants on the Earth. It consists of mineral and organic matter that has undergone various environmental pressures. It is often referred to as dirt or clay.

Generally, cannabis seeds germinate best in soil with a loose structure that allows for water and air to penetrate easily. Sandy soils are the most common type of soil. They primarily consist of small particles of weathered rock.

Before attempting to sprout cannabis seeds, they must be cleaned of any debris and pesticides. The seeds must also be soaked in warm water to help them hydrate and achieve the proper moisture level for germination. During this time, the seeds will start to feel warmer and their texture will change. This is a good sign that they are ready for the next step of the process.


The quality of your grow light makes a huge difference in cannabis growth and yield. Light that is too strong can make plants stretch and cause them to be spindly, while light that’s too weak can slow the plant down and prevent it from growing well.

When growing cannabis seeds or clones, the best choice is a blue-spectrum light. This type of light mimics the quality of sunlight young cannabis plants receive outdoors during spring, and it stimulates their natural evolutionary cues to grow taller and wider.

Once plants reach the vegetative stage, it’s time to switch the light frequency to one that’s closer to red in the spectrum. This mimics the quality of sunlight outdoor conditions get as days start to grow shorter during summer, triggering photoperiod cannabis into flowering so they can produce buds to propagate the next generation.


The seed must take in water to come alive, and the germination process starts. If the water is too alkaline (pH above 7.5) the seeds won’t sprout, but they can be soaked in distilled water or water that has been sterilized with a small amount of rubbing alcohol.

Be careful when handling the seeds, as any disturbance can kill them. Also, be sure to plant the seeds properly so they can sprout. It is best to germinate the seeds indoors rather than in soil, as this makes it easier to control temperature, light exposure and moisture conditions. Germinating the seeds indoors also gives you a better idea of what to expect from your plants, so you can plan ahead for your cultivation space. Especially if you are growing feminized seeds that produce only female flowers.


The temperature of the seed is essential for the germination process. Temperatures lower than 70 degrees Fahrenheit and higher than 90 can hinder the chemical processes that initiate germination.

Moisture is also essential for the germination of cannabis seeds. It allows the seeds to grow and expand, breaking the seed shell and allowing them to sprout into a seedling. It also provides a source of oxygen for the seeds, which can be difficult to supply in a dark environment.

In a controlled experiment, researchers found that the rate of germination was closely related to the upper temperature limit for germination in each variety. This is because seeds with high upper limits germinate more quickly than those with lower ones. In addition, germination was less vigorous in seeds with a high upper temperature limit than those with a lower one.

Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seed Is Still a Good Choice For the Gardener

regular seed

Since feminized seeds became available, regular seed has become something of a forgotten seed. However, it still has its uses for the gardener who enjoys making their own seed stock.

Regular seeds produce hermaphrodite plants with male and female flowers. This means they require sexing to remove the male plants and can produce a lower yield than feminized seeds.


Regular seeds offer a wider variety of genetics than feminized seed, which makes them ideal for growers who prefer a more natural experience. They are more unpredictable however, with a greater chance of producing male plants than females. This can be problematic for commercial growers who need a specific ratio of female to male plants in their crop.

Because of this, growers with regular seeds should always plant more than they need, and carefully monitor their crop throughout the growing stages to identify and remove any hermaphrodite plants. They also need to make sure the plants are protected from male pollen during the blooming stage.

Dutch Passion’s selection of regular seeds is comprised of classic cultivars dating back to the 1980s and earlier, offering potency, taste, and rare traits not found in modern feminized strains. Many of these varieties are also available as clones, which can be used to create exact genetic copies of the original specimen.

Genetic Stability

Genetic stability is the ability to preserve desirable strain traits through generations. This is an important consideration for breeders looking to create new strains, as it allows them to produce consistent phenotypes. It can also help prevent unwanted traits from becoming dominant in a strain genotype over time.

Genetic instability is a complex problem, and can be caused by many different factors. These include environmental conditions, and the health of the maintained parents. For this reason, it is critical to test for genetic stability of your seed lots.

Regulatory bodies often request that transgenes be tested for stability at two time points to demonstrate their fidelity and integration pattern. Our experts can work with you to develop a testing strategy that meets your requirements. This may involve protein expression testing or RNA transcripts, depending on your specific needs and regulatory requirements.

Ease of Pollination

A grower can produce a much greater variety of plants when using regular seed. These plants can be cross-bred and specialized growers will develop strains with precise characteristics that they have selected and refined. This will create a variety of phenotypes, which vary in appearance, aroma, taste, and effect.

Another advantage of growing with regular seeds is the ease with which it is possible to pollinate plants. Male plants will naturally flower about two weeks before females, so a good rule of thumb is to make sure that the plants are kept far enough apart so that the pollen cannot be carried between them.

A grower should also be aware that regular seeds have a slight chance of producing hermaphroditic plants, which have both male and female reproductive organs. This can lead to unwanted pollination and a decrease in overall flower quality. It is therefore important to ensure that the plants are sexed and that hermaphrodites are removed promptly. The environmental conditions in which the plants are grown should also be maintained to prevent this, ensuring that the temperature is adequate and the humidity is consistent.


Whether you’re an experienced breeder looking to create new strains or simply enjoy the taste and effects of traditional cultivars, regular seeds are a good choice. They preserve genetic stability for breeding purposes and offer the potential for phenotype variation, which can produce variations in appearance, flavor, aroma, and effect.

These seeds work the way nature intended, generating male and female plants that can be pollinated for new cultivars or superior clones. Growers and breeders who prefer the process of separating male plants from females find working with regular seed a more rewarding cultivation experience.

Because of their inherent risk of producing a male plant, regular cannabis seeds require sexing to ensure that all plantings are female. This can take time and energy that could be better spent ensuring the proper care of other plantings. It’s important to monitor sexing progress closely during the pre-flowering stage, so you can remove any male plants promptly. This will prevent hermaphroditism and protect the yield of your final product.