We are inundated with so many kinds of marijuana available on the market these days. The problem is deciding which one is right for you. A good way to help make this decision is to know which is which.
indica vs sativa: The indica or the hybrid version of the sativa plant produces most of the marijuana that people smoke. The indica or hybrid variety is commonly referred to as “hippie weed” or “grass.” The indica is a low growing plant, but it does produce buds that are very potent and can be grown indoors on a small scale.
The indica tends to be more mellow than the sativa and tends to produce more grassy effects and less psychoactive effects. indica can be found in high end marijuana stores and can be grown indoors. This makes it easy to grow.
Sativa, the traditional type of pot, is another hybrid plant of the cannabis family. The Sativa variety tends to have more of a kick to it and has a very high yielding yield. The Sativa variety grows to about 3 feet tall, but is often grown outdoors. The Sativa is a good variety to try if you have limited space.
The sativa tends to produce more dank and strong weed. It will produce a higher-potency weed that can be used to get high. You will notice a very strong after-burn effect from this type of weed. It also produces very long, sturdy stems that can be used to produce a very strong stench.
The indica is often called “weedkiller.” It is a low growing and fairly easy to grow weed variety. The indica is much easier to grow than the sativa and produces weed that has a milder and milder effect.
Hybrid marijuana tends to be the third option, a combination between two types of the same plant. This hybrid is often referred to as crossbreeding.
Hybrid marijuana is considered a very new category of pot, but there are many hybrid strains available for consumers to try. These strains are made of the highest quality indica, sativa, and hybrid indicas.