Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seed – The Most Versatile Type of Marijuana Seed

regular seed

Regular seeds produce both male and female plants, making them more natural and sustainable than feminized seeds. They’re an excellent choice for growers and breeders looking to cultivate their own strains.

Regular seeds are also less susceptible to hermaphroditism, stress, pest problems and weather fluctuations than feminized seed. They’re also the preferred seed for those who want to take cuttings or clones from their plants.

Stable Genetics

Creating a stable seed strain takes time, patience and a lot of capital. Breeders have to carefully select a mother plant that has all the desired characteristics and backcross her for multiple generations in order to impart those traits into new plants.

This is a time consuming process, but it allows breeders to produce plants that are almost guaranteed to exhibit the sought after phenotypes they are working so hard to create. This can give growers a great sense of security that they will get exactly what they want, every harvest.

This stability also makes it easier for breeders to keep mother plants from which they can take cuttings/clones and repeat the process over again. This can save a lot of time and money and is something that many growers find invaluable. Especially those who have their own breeding program they are working on and would like to ensure they can replicate the same results each time.

Unaltered Plants

Whether you’re interested in preserving traditional strains or want to experiment with crossbreeding, regular seeds provide the most natural offspring. This means that there’s a good chance that you will produce hermaphrodite plants (plants that possess both male and female reproductive organs), although the likelihood of this can be significantly reduced by carefully monitoring the plant.

Moreover, hermaphrodites are often stronger and more resilient than feminized plants, meaning that they can withstand a wide range of environmental conditions. This makes them a great choice for small-scale indoor growers or those who are legally capped at a limited number of plants.

For experienced growers, regular seeds can yield a huge harvest of high-quality buds. They require a Mediterranean climate and take ten weeks to reach maturity in September. The only drawback is that you will need to cull a number of male plants, which will reduce the overall yield. But, you’ll also avoid wasting growing medium and nutrients.

Less Expensive

If you’re a grower, it all comes down to the type of plant you choose for your next crop. Choosing between autoflower, feminized or regular seed all depends on your growth expectations, space limitations and personal opinion of quality.

Feminized seeds are significantly more expensive than regular cannabis seeds. This is due to the extra effort that goes into making feminized plants. Feminized plants are nearly guaranteed to produce smokable buds so it’s worth the extra cost for most growers.

Growers that go with regular seed, on the other hand, will have to work hard to produce a harvest from half of their seeds. This will involve weeding out male plants, something that’s not necessary when you grow feminized seed or use an automated system. Male plants are useful to breeders though because they produce pollen that can be used to create new strains of cannabis. This process is called crossbreeding and can be very effective in producing unique cultivars that offer specific terpenes and potency levels.

More Versatile

Regular seed is the most versatile of the three main types of marijuana seeds, giving growers plenty of options. They can breed plants that produce the terpenes they want and highs they enjoy, creating a strain that is all their own.

Moreover, growing regular seeds allows for the cultivation of classic cultivars that never made it to feminized form and have been lost to history. Cultivating these gems is a great way for growers to step up their cultivation game and learn from old-school phenotypes that offer exceptional stability and potency.

Whether you’re looking for extreme potency, specific terpene profiles, or beautiful colors, regular seeds will let you achieve your vision. Then, once you find a specimen you love, you can clone it to replicate its unique traits. This is a simple yet gratifying way to advance your cultivating skills and produce a variety of high-quality buds for your own enjoyment.

Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seed Vs Feminized Seed

regular seed

If you’re an experienced grower who wants to preserve the strains that didn’t make it into feminized seeds, then regular seed is a great option for you. However, it’s more difficult to grow than feminized seed.

It can take up to 120 hours for the seeds to germinate. Once they do, place them in a dark place like a cupboard or drawer until they sprout a taproot.


For the grower that is interested in breeding their own cannabis strains regular seeds are still the most cost effective option. These seeds are less expensive than feminized seed because they are not specially engineered to produce only female plants. Feminized seeds, on the other hand, can be guaranteed to produce a high percentage of female plants.

Growing regular seeds can be a bit of a challenge. They require more attention to sexing than other types of marijuana seeds because they are capable of producing male plants, which can ruin an entire harvest. It’s also important to keep an eye on the germination rate and purity of regular seeds to ensure that they are not contaminated.

Tropic Thunder regular seeds will take about 10 weeks to flower, producing a crop of up to 35 oz. These buds are mellow with fruity tones that will make you feel like you’re sitting on a tropical beach. They’re best suited to veteran cultivators with some experience growing tall sativa strains.


The genetics of regular seeds are determined by the natural, sexual reproduction process. This means that they contain a mix of male and female plants. This can be beneficial for certain growers because the male plants can pollinate the females and produce more seed for future growing seasons. This can also save money on purchasing new seeds each year.

The QTL that affect seed size and number have little overlap (except for one on chromosome 3), and the alleles associated with the traits have distinct effects (Table 5, Table S3). This suggests that the trade-off between these two traits is not as strong as previously thought.

However, identifying and removing male plants to avoid pollination can be time-consuming and tedious. This is especially true for growers who cultivate a variety of strains. Luckily, feminized seeds are available to make this process easier and more efficient. This allows you to focus on your crops and create a strain that matches your specific growing preferences.


Seed vigor is an important parameter that influences the performance of seed lots during different phases of seed production. Its relationship with field plant stand establishment and crop productivity has been recognized worldwide since the 1960s. Consequently, this topic has been the subject of intense research activity and a diversity of methods for its evaluation.

The vigor of regular seeds is determined by several factors, including seed size, seedling growth rate, and other genetic traits. These factors may be affected by environmental conditions such as planting weather and soil quality. Vigor can also be improved by using a combination of breeding and growing strategies.

While standard seed germination tests are useful for evaluating the quality of seed, they cannot accurately measure seed vigor. However, the development of new methods for assessing seed vigor is promising. These methods could decrease the time needed for testing, and allow for more accurate measurements of vigor. They can also help growers make more informed decisions about their cropping plan.


A grower that wants to create his own cultivar or experiment with breeding can do this best with regular seeds. These operate exactly as nature intended, having an equal chance of growing into male or female plants. This allows the specialized grower to develop phenotypes with precise characteristics – in terms of flavor, aroma, production and effects.

This occurs through a process known as pollination, in which the male gametes (anthers) are moved to a part of the female plant called the stigma. This fertilizes the eggs (female spores) to produce seeds.

It takes a lot of work to successfully propagate and harvest seed from trees, especially when the goal is to grow a large number of clones. The process requires separating the male and female plants, culling the boys, and ensuring the hermaphrodites are not able to pollinate the budding females. The grower needs to manage this process along the entire growing cycle – which can be very time consuming.

Best Regular Seeds

Why Growers Prefer Regular Seeds

regular seeds

Before feminized seeds came along, growers experimented with regular seed varieties by crossing them and producing their own unique strains. For many cannabis lovers, the experience of working with regular genetics is extremely gratifying.

They are also ideal for cloning, allowing you to duplicate a specific specimen with all its desirable traits, such as potency, flavour profile, or colour.


Regular seeds allow growers to select plants with the best traits, which can create unique strains that are better suited to specific growing conditions. They also provide a more diverse gene pool than feminized seeds, making them the preferred choice of experienced breeders.

However, breeding with regular seeds requires identifying and removing male plants to avoid pollination of the females. This is a process that requires time, effort, and expertise. However, the process is a good option for gardeners who want to experiment with new crossbreeds.

Another benefit of regular seeds is that they preserve genetic stability, meaning that the plant’s genetic traits will be passed down to its offspring. This is an important factor in preserving the quality of cannabis. It can also improve the yield of a crop and increase the potency of the buds. This is especially true if the seeds are grown in an environment with stable conditions. This can help to avoid any surprises during harvesting.


When growing cannabis, cloning is a convenient way to produce more plants with the same genetics. It can also help reduce the risk of infection during the cultivation process. Clones should be treated as delicate specimens and handled carefully to ensure their survival. Washing hands, sterilising tools and ensuring that the mother plant is healthy are essential for successful cloning.

Clones are exact genetic copies of the parent plant, and this can be a blessing or a curse. While clones can skip the tedious seedling stage, they can be susceptible to diseases, pests, and other issues that can affect the health of a garden.

When selecting a clone, look for one with a strong, sturdy stem and at least two nodes. Clones should be planted in a cloning tray or propagator and placed in a humidity dome. Use a thermometer and hygrometer to monitor temperatures and humidity levels. This will help the clones absorb water and grow quickly.

Organic growing

There are many reasons why some seasoned growers prefer to work with regular seeds. For starters, they are better for beginners since they can make mistakes and learn the full growing cycle from start to finish. Additionally, they offer a much greater variety of strains as well as a chance to create your own unique crossbreeds. This is important to many growers because it gives them the opportunity to test out different genetics and find new strains they may want to bring back to their gardens.

Most of the time, regular seeds will give you 50% male plants and 50% female plants. This is just the way that nature intended it because cannabis is a dioecious plant. The female flowers provide the desired potent buds and the male plants develop pollen sacs, which can be used for breeding purposes. Prior to the advent of feminized seeds, growers had to identify the sex of their plants early on and remove all the males before they produced seedy, male-only buds.

Genetic stability

Genetic stability is a major reason why growers prefer regular seeds. They can use them to create new strains by crossing them with other plants. This process offers growers the potential to cultivate phenotypes with unique aromas, flavors, and effects that cater to their personal preferences.

Regular seeds also preserve the genetics of the parent plant, making them more stable than feminized seeds. This is important for breeders who want to ensure that the desired traits are passed on to future generations of marijuana plants.

To assess the effect of storage and subsequent ageing on genetic and epigenetic changes, Secale cereale seeds were stored at 35 degC and 15% wc for 13, 29 and 36 days in air or vacuum (Audion Elektro) conditions. DNA was isolated from two replicates of 50 seeds or of 10 seedlings per storage condition. Changes in methylation were detected even at early asymptomatic stages of the viability loss curve (P75, 13 days), and the effects of storage time or atmosphere on the methylation state did not differ significantly.