Best Regular Seeds

The Benefits of Regular Seed

regular seed

Regular seed is the classic variety of cannabis seeds that haven’t been genetically modified. They grow into either male or female plants depending on environmental conditions. They’re ideal for novice cultivators and offer several benefits, including a more stable crop.

They’re also a great choice for those who want to experiment with breeding and culling males. They’re also cheaper than feminized seeds.

They are genetically stable

Regular cannabis seeds preserve the genetic stability of the parent plants and offer the potential for phenotype variation. This provides an opportunity for breeders to explore new genetic combinations and create new strains. These strains may differ in growth pattern, scent, terpene profile, insect resistance, THC/CBD ratio, and effects. They are a good choice for experienced growers who wish to produce clones for future cultivation.

Unlike feminized seeds, which only produce female plants, regular seeds have a small chance of producing hermaphroditic plants (having both male and female reproductive organs). This can cause pollination and lead to a lower quality harvest. To avoid this, a grower needs to carefully monitor the plant sex and remove any hermaphrodites. This requires a lot of time and effort, but it is a worthy investment for serious breeders. It is also important to maintain proper environmental conditions such as temperature, light cycles, and humidity. This will help the plant to develop and thrive.

They are cheaper

Regular seeds are cheaper than feminized ones because they don’t come with the additional cost of female plants. Nonetheless, they still have a 50% chance of producing male plants, which growers must weed out to make sure that all their flowers are females. Male plants produce minimal cannabinoids and give off harsh smoke, which is why sexing your plants is essential.

While sexing can be time-consuming, it’s worth it for the benefits you receive. The process also cuts down on the amount of wasted space, soil, nutrients, and light. Furthermore, you’ll save money on electricity, as you won’t need to run the grow lights all day.

Moreover, sexing your plants can also lead to more flavorful buds. Additionally, it allows you to experiment with new genetics and create your own strains. In addition, sexing your plants can help you achieve better results by eliminating the waste of fertilizer and other chemicals. This can reduce the cost of growing cannabis and increase your yield.

They are easier to grow

Regular seeds are a popular choice among growers and breeders. They can be used to create new strains by crossing them with other varieties. They also retain a higher level of aromatic terpenes than feminized or autoflowering seeds. In addition, regular seeds are cheaper than feminized seeds. They are especially ideal for first-time growers who want to take cuttings or clones of their plants.

Because they produce both male and female plants, regular seeds require more care and attention than feminized seeds. Growers must segregate plants and remove any males to prevent the spread of pollen. This can be challenging, but it becomes easier with experience. Regardless of the seed type you choose, it is important to choose high-quality genetics from a reputable breeder. This will ensure a quality crop and consistent results. It is also important to provide a balanced nutrient regime and to minimize any disruptions during the growing process. This will reduce the risk of hermaphroditism and increase your harvest.

They are more enjoyable to grow

For the grower who is interested in preserving traditional strains, regular seed is the preferred option. They produce both male and female plants, but by weeding out the males early into flowering they will be left with a crop of beautiful, smokable buds. Regular seeds are also ideal for growers looking to experiment with crossing different varieties and producing new genetics.

Regular sexed cannabis produces a variety of phenotypes that are worth keeping in the grow room. They offer a great way to explore growth patterns, leaf and stem development, scent, yield, resistance to pests, THC/CBD ratio, and many other traits. The grower can then choose which to keep in vegetative state and take clones to preserve the features they like most. This saves time and prevents waste of growing medium, nutrients and light used in sexing out hermaphrodites. It is also less expensive than feminized seeds, especially for larger grows. Clones from regular sexed plants are also more suitable for rooting cuttings than those from feminized plants.

Best Regular Seeds

The Different Types of Cannabis Seed

cannabis seed

A cannabis seed is a tiny little plant that needs to be germinated before it can grow into a mature, full-grown marijuana plant. Germination is the process that the cannabis seed goes through to become nutritionally self-sufficient.

You can germinate cannabis seeds in soil or water. Water germination is quicker, but you must carefully monitor the environmental factors to prevent any issues.

Regular Seeds

Regular seeds are non-feminized and allow the grower to experience the plant’s natural phenotypes. These are largely responsible for the variations that we see in strains today and growing regular seeds gives you the opportunity to grow many old-school jewels that never made it into feminized form.

These seeds contain both male and female chromosomes (XX) and should give rise to 50% female plants and 50% male plants. However, due to environmental factors the percentage of males may be slightly lower or higher.

For this reason, regular seeds are cheaper than feminized ones as you are engaging in a bit of a genetic lottery when growing them. Moreover, sexing the seeds to ensure you’re growing females takes time and resources. This is why some seasoned growers recommend using regular seeds for novices. This will allow the grower to make mistakes and learn from them without losing valuable crops. Also, it allows the novice to get an understanding of how a cannabis plant behaves before they invest in feminized seeds.

Feminized Seeds

For growers looking for a consistent harvest, feminized seeds are a great option. These seeds are specifically bred to produce only female plants, which means you won’t have any male plants ruining your entire crop. This makes it easier to manage a large harvest of cannabis and can improve the overall quality of your buds.

Feminized marijuana seeds are created by tampering with healthy, female plants to make them “think” they’re nearing the end of their lives. Once this process is complete, the pollen from these plants can then be used to pollinate other female plants to produce feminized seeds in large numbers.

This can save growers a lot of time and money, as they won’t have to spend weeks nurturing their crop only to see 50% of it go to waste. These seeds also allow you to maximize the amount of plants that you can fit in your growing space. This can be especially helpful if you’re working with limited space or a small budget.

Hybrid Seeds

Hybrid seeds are produced by crossing two different strains of cannabis. The process is done artificially to create hybrid plants with desirable characteristics, such as disease resistance and high yields. Hybrid seed varieties can be used in many types of growing environments, from gardens to commercial farms.

In order to produce hybrid seeds, a sterile strain of one plant (say A) is grown in isolation with a fertile strain (B). The sterile strain must contain the male gene in order to prevent self-pollination. This process is known as cytoplasmic male sterility, and it’s the primary method for producing F1 hybrid seeds.

This method of breeding has led to the creation of many new strains that offer superior yields and disease resistance. However, it can be time-consuming for farmers who must walk through their fields each week and select the most mature plants. This can be avoided by using nonhybrid seeds, which require less care and produce more uniform crops.


The main concern when storing cannabis seeds is that they need to be kept cool, dry and dark. Temperature fluctuations can degrade the seeds. Longer-term storage is best in a fridge (ideally a separate one that doesn’t get opened too much). A dark cupboard can also work, though this does expose the seeds to more temperature change and needs to be well protected against light.

Using a glass sealable container like a laboratory Eppendorf tube is ideal for long-term storage. Alternatively, plastic jars can be used provided they are opaque and have an airtight seal. Food Mylar bags are also effective if the seeds are vacuum sealed inside.

If you are storing your seeds for a short period, an envelope is perfect. Envelopes are easy to label, so you can add details on strain and date purchased. They also allow moisture to pass through more easily, helping the seeds stay moist and dormant. If you are storing old seeds, consider gently scarring them to help them sprout by scraping off the hard ridge that forms on the seed with a Stanley blade.

Best Regular Seeds

The Benefits of Regular Seed Cannabis

regular seed

Regular seeds are those that follow the natural reproduction process and offer growers an equal chance of male and female plants. They can be bred through a process called pollination where growers brush male plants against their female specimens to achieve fertilisation.

It can take a lot of work to weed out the males, but it is worth it in order to produce strains that have exceptional traits like high yields, flavour profiles, or colours.

They are cheaper

The cost of regular seeds is significantly lower than feminized varieties. This makes them more affordable for growers, especially those with limited cultivation space. However, they do require more care to ensure that only female plants are planted. This is because male plants will pollinate other plants and destroy the entire harvest if not removed.

Fortunately, sexing can be easily done by removing male plants early into flowering. This will help ensure a high percentage of sexy buds. Alternatively, some cultivators prefer to keep the plants as they are for breeding purposes.

Regular strains like Amnesia Lemon and Jilly Bean offer the perfect combination of uplifting effects with calming indica traits. The aromas of citrus fruits and tangerines uplift the mind, while the soothing smoke calms the body. These strains are often available in limited runs and can command prices above $20.

They are more stable

Regular seeds offer a wide range of benefits to growers, including the ability to breed new strains. However, they require a greater level of experience to cultivate and bring to maturity. This is because they produce both male and female plants, which means that a grower needs to carefully monitor the sex of the plants and remove any male plants before they pollinate their female counterparts. This process can be time consuming and requires constant observation, but it is important for maximizing yield and ensuring the highest quality buds.

In contrast, feminized seeds are more stable because they are created by stressing female plants. Feminized seeds eliminate the need to identify and remove male plants, which can save time and space and help to maximize yield and potency. However, feminized seeds are more susceptible to hermaphroditism and may have lower genetic stability than regular seeds. This can be frustrating for growers who are hoping to create a specific type of plant.

They are easier to breed

Regular seeds can produce both male and female plants, which makes them a good choice for experienced growers. When the plant flowers, it will naturally release pollen and fertilize other plants. Some breeders will collect the pollen from the male plants and cold-store it in jars for later use. This allows them to create new strains and maintain the genetic lineage of the cultivar.

Another reason that many growers choose regular seeds is because they are cheaper than feminized seeds. This is because it takes time to eliminate the male plants from a growing crop, and this process consumes a lot of water and nutrients. Feminized seeds, on the other hand, produce all-female plants that can be more expensive to buy and grow. They also have a higher risk of hermaphroditism, which can lower the quality of the buds. In addition, feminized seeds may have a limited gene pool, which can lead to genetic weaknesses.

They are more vigorous

Until the 1980s, regular seeds were the only ones available for cannabis growers. This variety is photoperiodic, relying on the light cycle to mature into cannabis. Its cultivation tends to be easier, as it forgives rookie errors and setup experimentation.

Aside from its cost-efficiency, regular seed is a popular choice for growers looking to breed their own strains. They are more stable and provide greater genetic diversity, allowing for the possibility of phenotype variation.

For example, a Chemdawg strain made from regular seeds might have a stronger aroma and higher yield than one made from feminized seeds. This is because regular seeds produce both male and female plants. When brushing pollen from a male plant against a female plant, fertilisation occurs and offspring are born. This means that you can have both male and female offspring from a single plant, while feminized seeds only produce female plants. This leads to a more consistent harvest. This is important for growers that want to produce multiple harvests.