Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seed Vs Cloning and Organic Farming

Before feminized seeds became available, growers used regular cannabis seed. These seeds produce male and female plants that must be separated before flowering in order to get smokable buds.

Some gardeners prefer regular seeds because they cost less and they can breed their own strains with them. Consider your experience level, location and purposes when choosing your seeds.


While feminized seeds are increasingly popular, regular seeds still make up a significant portion of the market. They are also favored by genetic purists who prefer to breed plants in order to create specific phenotypes. The breeding process can be complicated, but it is worth the effort for growers looking to maximize their yields.

When regular cannabis seeds are used, there is a 50% chance that they will produce male or female plants. This is the way that nature intended, and it gives breeders the freedom to create new cultivars. Feminized seeds require breeders to spray female plants with a chemical called colloidal silver, which can cause them to produce male pollen sacs.

The process of breeding involves choosing a prime male and female specimens that display the traits that you want to pass on to your offspring. Then, you can cross them to produce seeds with the desired characteristics. This is an ideal way to obtain high-quality marijuana plants that are perfectly adapted to your growing environment.


Cloning is an alternative to growing seeds, but it has its own drawbacks. Many veteran growers believe clones are weaker, less pest resistant and produce smaller yields. This is especially true if the clones come from unreliable sources. Clones also may carry pests or diseases that could affect the entire crop.

Clones also require a different growing medium than seeds. They need a nutrient solution that is rich in magnesium and potassium. These nutrients encourage root growth and improve the quality of the buds. Clones are also more sensitive to temperature variations and need proper ventilation. They are also vulnerable to mold and bacteria, so it’s important to monitor them carefully. Seeds, on the other hand, are heartier and can withstand a variety of temperatures and humidity levels. However, they are more expensive to purchase than clones and have longer growth periods. They also produce male plants, which must be removed quickly to prevent cross-pollination.


Organic farming is a production system that limits the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. It relies on preventative practices such as crop rotation and techniques to build soil organic matter, including the use of cover crops. It also uses natural methods to manage insect and disease pests, such as plowing, weeding, pheromone traps, and habitat for predatory insects.

Organic producers must meet national standards and keep careful records. They must also submit to periodic inspections. These inspections are conducted by an organization that is accredited by the USDA and recognized as an independent third party. In addition, they must not certify non-organic products as organic.

Growing organically can be more expensive than conventional farming. However, it can result in higher yields and a healthier environment. It can also help farmers avoid the dangers of herbicide drift and limit their exposure to toxic chemicals. It can even allow them to enjoy evenings watching monarch butterflies flock to their farm in central Iowa.


The price of regular seeds varies depending on the strain. This is because some varieties have higher THC levels than others and are therefore in high demand. This will also cause the prices of the seeds to be slightly more expensive than other types of seeds.

However, it is worth remembering that feminized seeds can cost more than regular ones because they are more expensive to produce. Feminized seeds are produced by halting the production of ethylene in the plants, causing them to release pollen. This process is more complicated than the regular breeding method and requires more equipment to carry out.

Growers should consider the price of the seeds when choosing which type to buy. They should also take into account the amount of growing space and nutrients that will be wasted during the sexing process. The price of the seeds may be worth it if you are looking for a specific cultivar. For example, Moby Dick regular has a citrusy flavor that tickles the taste buds and invigorates the brain and body.

Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seeds

Regular seeds produce both male and female plants, so growers must carefully monitor their crops and remove any males before they start to flower. This requires a lot of work and can be difficult for new growers.

Many seedbanks have stopped carrying regular seeds, but we feel it’s important to continue to offer this type of seed. There are several reasons why we think this is the case.


Regular seeds are essential for growers who love to breed their own strains. They can be used to create hybrids by selecting the best male and female specimens from a crop, then crossing them in order to produce offspring with specific phenotypes. This can be done for a range of reasons including a preference for certain terpenes, high levels of potency or a particular morphology of flowers.

This type of breeding can be difficult and time-consuming, but the rewards are great. By using regular seeds, you can achieve a 50/50 ratio of male to female plants, which is ideal for breeding and creating new cultivars.

Alternatively, growers may choose to use regular seeds in order to produce clones of their favourite specimens. This can be useful for growing a new cultivar in a different location or to get the maximum yield from each plant. Clones produced from regular seeds tend to be stronger than those grown from feminized seeds, as they are not subject to genetic modification.


For growers who enjoy breeding their own strains, regular seeds provide a natural proportion of male and female plants. Male plants will eventually produce pollen, which can fertilize female plants and trigger seed production in their budding colas. This can be a problem for gardeners who want to cultivate only females or breed specific traits into their crops.

When taking clones, it is important to choose a healthy and sturdy mother plant that is well into its vegetative cycle. To speed up the rooting process, it is also a good idea to cut clones from multiple nodes on the mother plant.

It is essential to work in a clean and sterile environment when taking clones. It is also a good idea to make sure the mother plant hasn’t been fertilized recently, as this can trick the cuttings into growing vegetation instead of rooting. It is also a good idea to place the clone into a cup of water with some rooting medium to help it get off to a fast start.

Genetic Diversity

Regular seeds grow into both male and female plants, which can be useful in a number of ways. For instance, growers can use the male plants to pollinate the females, producing a new generation of seeds for future grows. The mix of male and female plants also provides genetic diversity for future breeding, allowing for the creation of unique new strains.

As such, it is important to understand how mating systems influence the ability of seed collections to represent the genetic diversity of wild populations. To this end, we analyzed progeny data from six H. sericea and seven H. teretifolia populations, collected using various sampling strategies.

Within-site average pairwise genetic distance matrices (based on Euclidean distances) revealed that seedling subsamples including more maternal lines contained greater genetic diversity than those with fewer mothers (with the exception of two H. sericea sites PT and SP). These results support the notion that mating system variation influences the extent to which wild seed collection practices capture genetic diversity at the species level.


Using regular seeds can be a great choice for home growers who want to try their hand at breeding. These plants are perfect for creating’mother’ cannabis strains that can produce hundreds of clones over the course of several years.

They are also used for selective breeding as they can develop both male and female plants which can be used to produce new strains with desirable qualities. In addition, they allow for the creation of new phenotypes, which are unique variations of a strain with distinct aromas and effects.

The main reason why most commercial growers prefer feminized seeds is because they offer a more consistent harvest. Feminized plants will only produce female flowers, removing the need for growers to worry about male plants ruining their crop. Additionally, they are easier to manage as they do not require any extra measures like pollination. This helps to reduce the amount of time and effort required to harvest a large crop.

Best Regular Seeds

What is a Seed?

A seed is a fertilized, mature ovule with an embryo and a store of food enclosed in a hard seed coat. It completes the reproductive process of gymnosperm and angiosperm plants.

A seed lies dormant until conditions are right for germination. Most seeds require a certain temperature and moisture for growth to begin.


A seed is a fertilized mature ovule that contains an embryo or miniature undeveloped plant together with stored food reserves in the form of a testa and a protective coat. Seeds are the characteristic reproductive organ of flowering plants, and are found in all gymnosperms (naked-seeded plants such as cycads and conifers) and angiosperms.

Viable seeds possess innate dormancy, which is the ability to resist germination until environmental conditions are optimal. Dormancy may be induced before or during maturation, or in the case of endospermic seeds, it may be evoked after seed dispersal from its mother plant.

A seed article is one that is so short that a relatively knowledgeable editor could improve its content with only a superficial web search or quick reference check. An article that would be improved only with significant research is not considered a seed.


Seeds are a characteristic feature of the spermatophytes, plants that contain ovary-like structures for storing and dispersing their young. They are mainly found in gymnosperms (naked-seeded plants) and angiosperms (flowering plants).

Before seeds evolved, most land plants, including ferns and mosses, reproduced by spreading their spores into the air where they could land and grow into new plants. The evolution of seeds began somewhere in the Devonian period some 385 million years ago.

A seed contains an embryo and a nutrient tissue called endosperm, which it gets from its mother plant. It is also referred to as the functional megaspore wall in some species. The development of the functional megaspore wall is a process called megasporogenesis. Seeds that develop with physiological dormancy are characterized by their inability to germinate until exposed to certain environmental triggers.


Seeds are vital in keeping a species alive through periods of unfavorable conditions and in distributing plants from place to place. The outer seed coat protects the embryo plant and may hold a supply of food for it (endosperm).

There is usually an embryo in a seed, which can be either single in monocots or double in dicots. There are also cotyledons, or seed leaves, attached to the embryo.

The cotyledons are a source of nutrients for the young seedling until it can make its own food by photosynthesis. The epicotyl is a stalk that extends from the point of attachment of the cotyledon(s) and will become the shoot. Physiological dormancy may be broken by cool wet or cool dry conditions, or by a process called stratification which involves adding water and allowing the seeds to undergo a period of moist chilling.


When seed catalogs arrive, gardeners spend hours poring over the many varieties they can choose from. Gardeners can select from reliable industry standards, heirloom favorites and locally recommended varieties.

A variety is a distinctive strain of a crop that has been tested to show consistent performance and adaptability to growing conditions. A variety may be open pollinated (plants self-pollinate), hybrid or inbred.

Inbred seeds are derived from parent plants that have been bred for consistency and uniformity. Hybrid seeds are made when the pollen of two different plant varieties is artificially controlled. Company names may be used in a variety name, but once they become part of the legal name, anyone marketing that seed must use the full, legally assigned name. This can prevent confusion and protect brand identity.


Seeds are an important source of food for animals and humans. The seeds of cereal grains (wheat, corn, rice) are staples in many diets, while those of legumes (beans, peas, peanuts) provide important protein. Seeds also supply oils for cooking and for lubrication (linseed oil, jojoba oil, and castor oil), fibers for textiles, woody fibers, and some medicines, such as laetrile and ginseng.

Seeds can be dispersed by animal consumption or by wind, water, or gravity. Several adaptations allow for their long-distance transport, including fleshy appendages that attract animal dispersers; hooks and barbs that stick to fur and feathers; or wings for wind-based dispersal. Seeds are a major vehicle for the dissemination of improved varieties and hybrids in agriculture. The introduction of high-yielding varieties and hybrids has greatly increased crop yields.