Best Regular Seeds

The Seed of God’s Word


Seeds are the reproductive body of plants. They contain a miniature embryo enclosed in a protective coat. They perform a wide range of functions, including dormancy and dispersal.

Some seeds have fleshy appendages that entice animal dispersers to eat them; others have hooks, barbs, or sticky hairs that attach to fur or feathers. Some have wings for wind dispersal.

They are a source of food

Seeds are a source of food for humans and animals. They are the result of a fertilised ovule and are made up of an embryo surrounded by a reserve of food, protected by a hard seed coat. They vary in size, shape and colour according to the species from which they come. Seeds are the primary means of reproduction for plants, and their functions include nourishment of the embryo, dispersal to a new location, and dormancy under unfavorable conditions. They also provide a rich source of fat, protein and starch.

Nutrients in seeds include protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. They are a great source of protein for omnivores, vegans, and low-FODMAP dieters, and they can help you meet your daily protein needs. Seeds are also a good source of fibre and phenolic compounds. Adding seeds to your diet can boost your overall health and support optimal immune, hormonal, cardiovascular, and muscular health. Seeds are also a great source of antioxidants, which may reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

They are a source of reproduction

Seeds are reproductive structures produced by flowering plants (spermatophytes). Plants that produce seeds are called seed plants. They are subdivided into gymnosperms, or “naked-seeded” plants such as conifers and cycads, and angiosperms, or flowering plants with seeds enclosed in ovaries. Other plants such as ferns and mosses do not produce seeds and reproduce by dispersing spores in water.

A seed contains an embryo surrounded by a reserve of food protected by a hard covering. The size of this food reserve depends on the species of seed. This enables the seed to survive for long periods of time.

Seeds can also be transported over great distances by various mechanisms. For example, the coco de mer seed floats and is carried from one island to another in the Indian Ocean. Other seeds, such as those of dandelion and orchids, have wings for wind dispersal or barbs that can hook onto animal fur or feathers. Seed germination is a complex process that involves three stages. During the first stage, a seed is soaked with water to break down physiological dormancy. This is known as imbibition and it reactivates enzymes that convert storage compounds to food for the embryo.

They are a source of dispersal

Many plants disperse their seeds using animals, which can transport them long distances. For example, the seed of water lilies is waterproof and can travel in water, while the fruit of palm trees can be carried by ocean currents. These patterns of directed dispersal are not expected under the modern paradigm of diffuse mutualism, and they have important implications for plant conservation. For example, they may reduce the probability of seed predation and competition for soil resources.

To facilitate animal dispersal, some species enclose their seeds in fleshy fruits that are attractive to frugivores. This is known as endozoochory. Other seed dispersal mechanisms include wind, water and gravity. The seeds are dispersed further from the parent plants, which provides a variety of benefits, including less competition with siblings and parents, more favorable light conditions, and greater resistance to pathogens and predators.

They are a source of spiritual growth

The seed of God’s word is a vital source of spiritual growth. It is from this divine seed that every major prophet and world shaker in history has emerged to change the course of human history. It is also from this seed that we learn the way of peace, truth and compassion.

All seeds have a potential for life, but only when they find the right place and soil for them to grow. Without fertile soil, water and warmth, a seed’s potential is never fully realized.

Christ used the parable of the growing seed to describe the process that gospel message must go through in the souls of people before it bears fruit. He said that the seed in good soil grows and produces, first as a blade, then an ear of corn, and finally a full harvest of ripe and mature fruit. He also compared this to our spiritual maturation as citizens of the kingdom.

Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seeds Vs Feminized Seeds

regular seeds

Before feminized seeds became popular, growers had to produce their own regular seeds to get the desired results. They produced about 50% male plants and 50% females. Unfortunately, hermaphrodite plants will also sprout from regular seeds, and they will become hermaphrodites in response to stress (topping, fimming, lollypopping).

Despite this, many growers continue to choose regular seeds for several reasons.

Unaltered Genetics

The genetics of regular seeds are completely natural. Because they have a 50% chance of producing male and female cannabis plants, they’re the perfect choice for experienced growers looking to explore breeding options.

The healthiest seeds contain a good amount of protein, a crucial nutrient for muscle growth and repair, immune function and mental alertness. Seeds also provide a healthy dose of fibre, which is an important part of a balanced diet and can protect against digestive issues like constipation, diverticulitis and hemorrhoids.

However, as with all non-feminised marijuana seeds, about half of your planted regular seeds will turn out to be male. If you don’t remove them, they will pollinate your female plants and reduce your yield. This is why they aren’t recommended for novice growers.

Stable Yields

While feminized seeds are the best choice for growers seeking a high-quality yield, regular seed breeders can create strains with extreme potency or specific flavor profiles. Regular seeds also allow for back-crossing, which is necessary for creating new cultivars.

In addition, regular seeds are less expensive than feminized seeds. A pack of 10 seeds will produce a minimum of half female plants, meaning the grower won’t have to deal with the frustration of having to cull male plants or waste growing medium and nutrients on them.

On average, a pack of 10 regular seeds produces smokable buds in half of the plants, a much better return on investment than feminized seeds. This is why a lot of experienced growers still prefer working with regular seeds.


Cheaper varieties of weed seeds are a big draw for first-time growers, as well as those looking for good value cannabis seeds. Seed banks like MSNL and Herbies often sell cheap mixed packs of regular or feminized strains that can be really affordable.

Working with regular sexed plants is also an advantage for pheno hunters as they can select from large selections of both male and female plants to find the perfect mother. This process can save a lot of time, hydro system space and nutrients in a garden.

Growing regular seeds can be less expensive than feminized, as growers only need to cull a handful of male plants throughout the growing process. However, feminized seeds can still come out cheaper when factoring in the 50% loss rate associated with sexing.

More Stable Genetics

If you’re interested in growing as natural as possible, then regular seeds are a great choice. This is because unlike feminized seeds, they will produce male and female plants. These plants can then be sexed and removed, thus eliminating the possibility of an inter-sex or hermaphrodite plant being produced during the growing process.

Regular seeds also allow you to cross different strains, creating unique and high-quality strains. This is a popular choice for growers, as it allows you to create the best possible strain to suit your preferences and growing environment. It is also more cost-effective than feminized seeds, making it an excellent option for breeders. You can find a range of quality, regular seeds here. The genetics have been carefully selected to ensure the highest quality.

Easy to Breed

There is a certain charm to growing regular marijuana seeds and many growers choose this option over feminized ones. With a regular seed, you’ll get to experience the process of breeding a strain from its parents. This is a fun and rewarding hobby that can be done at home, even for the beginner.

To breed your own strains you’ll need to isolate male plants from female ones at the start of flowering. This ensures that you only grow female plants that will produce smokable buds.

The process of breeding can be a lengthy one, so it’s recommended to take detailed notes throughout your grow. This will help you better understand your plant’s traits such as how it handles stress, its leaf patterns, internodal spacing and its stretch once flowering begins.

Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seed Vs Feminized Seed

regular seed

Regular seed is a great choice for growers who want to experiment with crossing and breeding new strains. It’s also possible to get a higher yield for the first harvest with regular seeds than with feminized ones.

However, if you’re looking for ease of cultivation, feminized seeds may be better for you. They eliminate the need to cull male plants and are less prone to stress during cultivation.


Regular seeds are the most natural type of marijuana seed available. They are used by growers who prefer to keep the genetics of a strain as pure as possible. They can also be used to make crosses with other strains and yield great results. Regular seeds are less expensive than feminized varieties.

Feminized seeds are made by stressing a female plant to encourage it to produce male flowers. These flowers are then fertilized by the sperm of another male plant, producing seeds that lack the XY chromosomes needed for female plants. Feminized seeds are popular because they offer a greater guarantee of female plants than regular seeds.

A predominately female crop means fewer pests and a flexible harvest schedule. However, feminized seeds are not without their drawbacks. Some growers find them difficult to manage because the emergence of male plants can cause a loss of quality and yield. Additionally, they can have a slower flowering time than regular seeds.


Cloning is a process that creates an exact genetic copy of another cell, tissue or organism. It is widely used in plant breeding and medical research. Clones are often grown as replacements for damaged or diseased cells in the human body. Cloning can also be used to create new embryonic stem cells that can grow into healthy tissue.

Seeds are more difficult to work with than clones, but they offer a greater level of control over the final outcome of your grow. They also require a higher level of care to produce consistent results and high yields.

Clones are cuttings taken from an active vegetative mother plant, then rooted in soil or hydroponic medium. They are most often taken from photoperiod strains that are designed to flower at specific times, and it is challenging to keep them in a perpetual vegetative state. In addition to this, clones often inherit any flaws or genetic issues that their mother plants might have, which can be problematic.


Before feminized seeds entered the market in 1998, regular seed was the only option for growers. With a 50% chance of producing either male or female cannabis plants, regular seeds are perfect for cultivators who want to experiment with selective breeding and backcrossing.

Organic is a set of farming standards and practices that limit the use of chemicals to protect crops, animals and soil. Organic producers must meet national organic standards, maintain careful records, and be certified* by a USDA-accredited organic certifying agency.

In short, organic is how nature intended – not what the chemical companies would have you believe. Organic farming boosts yields by decreasing the need for water, reducing pollution and building soil fertility. It also supports biodiversity and helps maintain ecosystem services like pollination. So, if you’re looking for the most authentic and natural experience when growing marijuana, then choose organic. You won’t be disappointed. It’s the best choice for any marijuana enthusiast!


The main reason many growers choose regular over feminized seeds is that male plants have their own special benefits. For one, they can be useful for propagating cuttings or producing pollen to create new seed strains. Also, they make it possible to crossbreed and experiment with new phenotypes.

Regular seeds are photoperiod, and they develop into either male or female cannabis plants depending on their environment. This means that they need more time to veg and flower before they can be harvest-ready, but they also have the benefit of being less susceptible to stress from pests and extreme temperatures.

For these reasons, it’s recommended that growers buy a few more seeds than they need, so they can account for the male plants that will need to be cullled. Theoretically, a pack of regular seeds should produce a ratio of around 50% female to male plants, but this may vary depending on the conditions. For example, if you use stress-reducing pruning techniques like topping, fimming, or lollypopping, the hermaphrodite plants will likely take over.