Best Regular Seeds

How to Germinate Cannabis Seeds

cannabis seed

Cannabis seeds are small, tear-drop shaped plants that begin their vegetative growth in a process called germination. Seeds that sprout a root and two small embryonic leaves (cotyledons) are considered to be healthy.

Most cannabis seeds contain both male and female plants, but most growers want bud-producing females. Feminized seeds are more expensive, but they greatly increase the odds of growing a bud-producing plant.


The germination process is an important part of growing cannabis because it sets the stage for how your plants will grow and produce buds. Correctly germinating your seeds will give them the best chance of healthy and robust growth.

There are a few different ways to germinate your cannabis seed. One of the most common methods is to soak the seeds in water. The soaking process softens the hard shell of the seed and increases its germination rate.

Another method is to wrap the seed in a damp paper towel. This is a good option for beginners because it’s easy and inexpensive. However, you must ensure that the paper towel is plain single-ply and not cloth-like.

Finally, many growers use Jiffy Pots to germinate their seeds. These little pellets are soaked in warm water, swell up, and then can be planted directly into the soil or other medium. This saves time and avoids the shock of transplanting.


Providing your cannabis seeds with the best soil possible will help them get off to a great start. Good soil contains nutrients, microbes, and moisture-everything a seedling needs to grow from a cute little sprout into a lush canopy of dank flowers.

The ideal soil is light, airy and free-draining. It should also contain a variety of amendments to provide the plants with all of the nutrient they need from propagation to flowering.

A popular potting soil mix is Fox Farm’s Ocean Forest. This formula is more nutrient-dense than Happy Frog and includes ingredients like earthworm castings, bat guano and fish emulsion. This makes it less reliant on supplemental nutrients and is a good choice for growers who want more control over their soil.


Cannabis seeds are rich in protein that help in building tissues and muscles. They also contain soluble and insoluble fibers that speed up digestion and prevent constipation. They also provide Omega- 3 and Omega- 6 which are essential fatty acids that boost brain function, lower blood pressure, and improve response to inflammations.

When properly stored in a dark environment, cannabis seeds will stay viable for years. However, they require a specific germination process to break their dormancy. This process involves storing the seeds in tinted jars with desiccant packs in the refrigerator, and mimicking the conditions of winter to accelerate germination. This is known as cold stratification. After the germination process is complete, seedlings are ready to be transplanted into soil or hydroponic systems.


Seeds will germinate best in warm conditions that mimic springtime. It is best to check on seeds/seedlings every 12 hours and gently reposition them if necessary (not to disturb their delicate white tap roots). The first few weeks of a seedling’s life require very little interference from the grower; nutrient regimes can be altered once the plants have sprouted.

The germination process is one of the most crucial parts of any cannabis growing experience. It is the time that the tiny plant develops its roots and prepares to become a fully grown cannabis plant. The most important factor is keeping the seeds in moist (but not soaked) conditions. It is recommended to germinate seeds indoors to ensure the most control over these conditions. Outdoor growers can still achieve good results by carefully checking on and handling seeds with tweezers to prevent damage to the tap root.

Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seed – The Best Choice For Beginners

Regular seed plants endure a minimum of genetic tampering, making them the preferred choice for many growers. They’re recommended for beginner cultivators to gain a full understanding of the cultivation process and plant health.

Growing regular seeds will produce a 50-50 mix of male and female plants. The female colas can be used for breeding purposes to create new strains.


While many growers only want female plants, breeders need to have both male and female flowers in order to produce new seeds. This process is called pollination and it is what allows for the creation of new varieties. Feminized seeds can’t be pollinated, so they are not suitable for breeding. This is a problem because it could discourage breeding among growers and make it more difficult to bring new strains to market.

Regular seeds also allow for cloning, which is the process of creating an exact genetic copy of a specimen. This is useful for growers who are after a specific trait such as a certain terpene profile or a particular colour.

Breeding is a crucial part of the cannabis industry and it requires a large amount of time and effort. As a result, the breeding process is becoming more and more specialized and focused on producing a limited number of varieties that can be easily reproduced.


Cloning is a method of reproduction used by plants, fungi and bacteria. It involves inserting DNA from one organism into the genetic material of another organism, such as a virus, bacteria or plasmid. The inserted DNA is then replicated in the host organism, creating many copies of the original gene.

Plant cloning is often done by growing cells from actively dividing parts of the plant, called meristems, in liquid culture. This allows scientists to grow many identical cells in a short period of time. Then the cells can be matured in solid culture medium, allowing them to grow into whole plants.

Cloning is a controversial technique because some people feel it treats animals as commodities rather than sentient beings. They argue that cloning can result in higher levels of animal suffering than standard breeding methods, due to surgery required to obtain oocytes or embryos, pregnancy losses, sickness and death in newborns and distress from disease in the animals produced as disease models.


Production of high quality seed is an important part of modern plant breeding programs. It is a complex process that requires high technical skills and a heavy financial investment. Seed producers must ensure that their seed is free from disease and other factors that affect varietal deterioration.

Genetics is one of the central pillars of biology and it plays an essential role in many other disciplines, such as agriculture, medicine, and biotechnology. The study of heredity and genes has been of great interest to humankind for thousands of years, as evidenced by a Babylonian tablet dating back 6,000 years that lists pedigrees of horses and old carvings showing cross-pollination of date palm trees.

Variations in the timing of reproductive phenology can influence the genetic diversity present in seed orchards. A short pollination season promotes exchange of clonal genes but can also reduce heterozygosity. The results of an accelerated-aging test conducted on Douglas-fir families indicate that the rate of varietal deterioration is determined by the underlying genetics of the seed lot.


Whether you want to create your own unique strains or simply enjoy the fruit of your labour then working with regular seeds is a great choice. As the name suggests they contain male and female plants, so growers will need to take the time to sex them well before flowering in order to get a full harvest of pure smokable buds. This process can be impractical for growers with limited hydro system space or those who are legally capped to a strict number of plants.

Regular seeds also run the risk of producing hermaphrodite plants, whereas feminized seeds will only produce weed that is 100% female. This means you’ll need to be very careful about stressing your cannabis plants with techniques like topping, fimming and lollypopping as these could lead them to becoming hermaphrodites. This is one of the key reasons that many growers choose feminized seeds. They provide consistency and better yields from their crops.

Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seed Vs Cloning and Genetic Stability

regular seed

If you are looking to get your hands dirty and do a little experimenting then regular seed is your thing.

Unlike feminized seeds that only produce female plants, regular seed will create both male and female plants. This makes them perfect for growers who want to find a specific ratio of male to female plants.


Cultivators that have the space and patience will often choose to work with regular seeds to breed their own cultivars. The process of growing out male plants to pollinate females has been around for millennia, and it’s a great way to create your own original strains that offer exactly the characteristics you want them to have.

With a pack of 10 regular seeds you will, on average, get half of them to produce male plants and the other half will be females. This isn’t always true in every case, however, as environmental conditions can influence the proportion of male to female plants produced (better growing conditions typically yield more females).

As soon as your plants are mature enough you will be able to identify them and separate the males from the females. The males will produce their own pollen sacs and can then be used to pollinate your female plants, and your offspring should be both strong and fruitful.


Cloning cannabis plants produces identical copies of the parent plant, which is why it is a popular choice for commercial growers who sell their products to wholesale corporate clients. Because clones are genetically identical, they all respond to growing conditions in the same way and produce similar plant sizes with uniform yields and tastes/effects. Cloning is also a good option for home-growers who have grown a strain they love and want to propagate it.

But there are some drawbacks to cloning, especially for the casual home-grower. First of all, it is difficult to find healthy mothers that are free from diseases and pests. Second, clones can be hard to keep alive and they do not develop the same taproot that seeds have, which some believe gives them more stability. Finally, many people feel that cloning wears out the DNA of the parent plant, which can affect subsequent generations of plants. For these reasons, some growers prefer to use seeds for home cultivation.

Genetic Stability

Genetic stability refers to the ability of seeds to produce similar phenotypes in the plants that grow from them. This is a desired trait in commercial cannabis cultivars, as it allows breeders to predict the growth and psychoactive effects of their plants with a high degree of certainty. However, creating genetically stable seed is a difficult process. Several techniques have been used to achieve this goal, including MSAP analysis.

Seed aging is a common phenomenon that affects viability and quality of stored crops. It can be caused by oxidative stress, accumulation of reactive oxygen species or lipid peroxidation. Oxygen availability also influences the longevity of seeds. These factors can lead to epigenetic changes in the methylation status of seeds and their derived seedlings. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of storage time (13, 29 or 36 days) and atmosphere (air or vacuum) on methylation status using an MSAP-based method. Results showed that the number of epigenetic changes induced by long-term storage was higher in seeds and seedlings than in their non-stored counterparts, even when the difference in viability between seeds was negligible.


Considering the time and labor involved in creating stable feminized seeds, it’s no surprise that these varieties are more expensive than regular cannabis seeds. However, growing your own high-quality buds doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. If you shop carefully, you can find some amazing deals on quality seeds that will help you cultivate a hefty harvest.

It’s also worth noting that while feminized seeds boast a 99% female-only sex rate, germinating regular marijuana seeds comes with a 50-50 chance of producing male and female plants. In other words, you will need to cull a number of male plants from your crop once it begins flowering.

The easiest way to tell whether a plant is male or female is by looking for minuscule sprouts that resemble pollen sacks. Once spotted, simply dispose of or isolate these plants to prevent them from fertilizing your females and spoiling the harvest. As long as you separate your male and female plants, you’ll be rewarded with a high-yielding, premium-quality crop of weed.