Best Regular Seeds

Why Regular Seeds Are Better Than Feminized Seeds

regular seeds

Growing marijuana seeds can be a tricky task. You have to identify male plants and discard them, or they could pollinate your entire crop and produce a lot of seeds. This can be a time-consuming and frustrating process.

Regular seeds are cheaper, but they will also grow male plants that will need to be discarded. However, they do produce a larger yield and are great for breeders.

They are unaltered

Regular seeds have not been chemically altered and contain both male and female chromosomes. As a result, they can produce both male and female plants, but there is a 50/50 chance of producing either one or the other. This is how cannabis has been grown for centuries before feminized seeds were introduced.

Feminized seeds have been genetically modified to ensure only female plants are produced. This is accomplished by stressing the plant to induce pollen production and then fertilizing it with another female seed. While this can be an effective method for creating feminized seeds, it does not work well with all strains of marijuana.

This is why many growers prefer to use regular seeds, as they offer the opportunity to create a unique strain with specific traits that they are looking for. For example, a cultivator could choose to cross a high-yielding female with a strain that offers exceptional potency and unique flavors. This process is known as breeding and can be a fun and rewarding experience for experienced growers.

They are easy to grow

Regular seeds are easier to grow than feminized ones, and they produce a much more stable crop. This is especially important for those who use methods such as topping, fimming or lollypopping, which can cause stress and make weed plants become hermaphrodites. Feminized seeds tend to be more likely to go hermaphrodite than regular ones.

Regular cannabis seeds also allow for the creation of new strains. By brushing pollen from male plants against female plants, fertilization is achieved and the result will be a new strain with mixed genetics.

Additionally, growing regular seeds is more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Feminized seeds require a significant amount of resources to produce, and some of them are discarded if they do not meet certain standards. This can be a waste of energy and resources, but regular seeds do not have this problem. This makes them the preferred option for many growers. However, it’s important to buy high-quality seeds in order to achieve the best results.

They are resistant to pests and diseases

If you’re interested in growing a cannabis plant that’s resistant to pests and diseases, then you should consider buying regular seeds. SSSC has an extensive selection of regular weed seeds that produce high THC levels, good yields, and beautiful flowers. Their collection includes classics like Creamy Kees and Karel’s Old School Haze, as well as more modern strains like Lavender feminized and Frosty Friday feminized.

Growers who choose to use regular seeds will need to separate male and female plants. They will also need to remove the pollen from the male plants before it reaches the female plants. These steps will prevent the hermaphrodite plants from producing seeds. However, many growers find this to be a worthwhile process because it eliminates the hassle of having to deal with male plants. Furthermore, regular seeds are more suitable for cloning than feminized seeds, which are often unstable when cloned. In addition, they tend to have higher yields and potency than their feminized counterparts.

They are cheap

If you’re a beginner, regular seeds are the best choice for you. They are cheaper to grow than feminized varieties and provide high-quality buds once cultivation is complete. They also have a higher THC content than other cheap marijuana seeds.

Unlike feminized seeds, which contain only female chromosomes, regular cannabis plants have both male and female chromosomes. This means that they have a 50% chance of producing either a female or a male plant when cultivated. As a result, they are often preferred by breeders to create new cultivars and produce superior clones.

Dutch Passion has a carefully curated collection of regular seeds that contain the finest parent genetics from the 1980’s and earlier. This allows us to preserve the finest landrace strains and offer them to you for a fraction of what you’d pay at other seed banks. The seeds have a high germination success rate and are tested to ensure a high level of quality and health.

Best Regular Seeds

What is a Seed?


Seeds contain everything a new plant needs to grow, but are tightly packed in a tough protective coat. Once conditions are right, a seed will absorb water (imbibition), swell up and then burst open.

Seeds are used for many purposes, including food (grain seeds like wheat and corn, legume seeds like beans and lentils, nut seeds like peanuts) and landscaping. They also play a vital role in plant reproduction and evolution.


The rudiments of a future plant, often covered with a protective shell or fruit. Seeds contain an embryonic “plant” with cotyledons (the first leaves) and the roots of the developing plant, as well as a food reserve called endosperm and a nutrient-rich covering called a seed coat.

Plants produce seeds for reproduction and dispersal, and they are the primary source of many foods including wheat, rice, corn, beans, peas and peanuts. Some seeds are naked and exposed to the environment, like those of conifers; others are enclosed in fruit like berries, nuts, or tomatoes.

In sports, a player or team is seeded in order to arrange competition so that more skilled contestants do not meet early in the tournament. In business, seed money or capital is a small amount of funding provided to help develop and start a company. The term is derived from the fact that a single seed can grow into a lush forest.


Seeds are one of the most dramatic innovations in plant evolution. They allow plants to reproduce after the union of male and female cells. Seeds perpetuate the hereditary characteristics contributed by both cells.

The seeds of angiosperms (flowering plants) and gymnosperms (conifers and cycads) are enclosed in a protective shell called a testa or caryopsis. They contain an embryo surrounded by a supply of food for its early development, called the endosperm.

The embryo has one cotyledon or seed leaf in monocots and two cotyledons in most dicots. It is pressed closely against the endosperm so that it absorbs the endosperm’s nutrients directly. The seed coat may have many different shapes and textures. Seeds can be discoid (flat), ellipsoid, lenticular, ovoid, or reniform. Some seeds are striped with parallel or longitudinal lines or ridges. Other seeds are spherical, or subglobose. The seeds of some plants, such as certain grasses and bananas, do not have any asexual means of reproduction. In such cases, the seeds must be propagated by planting.


Seeds have several functions, including nourishment of the embryo inside and dispersal to new locations. They also provide a means of plant reproduction and protect the embryo from predators and the elements.

The food reserve within a seed is called the endosperm, which provides nutrients to the developing plant during germination. It is absorbed through an area of the seed coat called the micropyle and the raphe. Seeds with a micropyle and raphe usually have a kidney-shaped appearance.

Many seeds are able to wait for environmental conditions to be suitable for their germination. This is known as physiological dormancy and it can be broken down by a process called stratification, which involves subjecting the seeds to alternating periods of cold and warm temperatures.

Other seeds are unable to break down their biological dormancy. These are known as non-endospermic or exalbuminous seeds and include beans, peas and a range of nuts. These seeds can be triggered into germination by a period of moist chilling or by the passage through the digestive system of animals.


Seeds are the source of many edible crops including cereals, legumes, nuts and seeds for beverages such as coffee and tea. Some seeds have medicinal properties such as chamomile seeds for making a soothing herbal tea and flax seeds for omega-3 fatty acids. Seeds are also used to propagate grasses and ornamental plants such as flowers, shrubs and trees.

Most seeds carry the food needed for a new plant to grow and they are protected by the embryo, endosperm and testa. The stored food is converted to growth by the cotyledons.

The ability of seeds to wait for the right conditions to stimulate germination is what distinguishes them from single-celled spores that cannot do so. This behavior is called dormancy. Seeds that require some sort of external stimulus to break down physiological dormancy include those whose seed coat needs to be scarified (skracked, scratched or softened by chemicals like acids) or passed through an animal’s digestive system.

Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seed Vs Feminized Seed

regular seed

While feminized seeds are all the rage, regular seed offers several advantages to growers. In fact, some growers prefer working with regular cannabis seeds as they are easier to distinguish between male and female plants.

Whether you are after specific colours, terpene profiles, or yields, regular seeds can help you create the strain of your dreams!

Unaltered Genetics

Regular seeds are the seeds that come from a pollinated female cannabis plant. These seeds can grow into either male or female plants depending on environmental conditions. Regular seeds are popular amongst breeders because they allow them to perform selective breeding.

Because feminized seed is made by stressing a female plant into growing male sex features like pollen, it doesn’t have the same genetic diversity as regular seeds. You can’t tell them apart by their physical appearance, but the difference lies in their chromosomes.

We investigated the plasticity of seed longevity in Silene vulgaris under varying climate conditions by monitoring the germination and parental provisioning of mRNA in seeds from wild alpine and lowland populations. The results showed that the longevity of alpine seeds increased when grown in a common garden compared to wA seeds, while lowland seed lots did not show this adaptive response.

Unaltered Characteristics

In a nutshell, regular seeds produce both male and female plants, whereas feminized seed has been specifically designed to only create female plants. This can have advantages during the growing process as it reduces the chance of a dual-sex (hermaphrodite) plant producing pollen and ruining the whole crop.

Generally speaking, regular seeds will produce around 50% male and 50% female plants. However, it’s worth mentioning that this ratio can be affected by environmental conditions.

Many growers choose to use regular seeds in order to enjoy authentic genetics that have been unaltered for centuries. Additionally, growers often make their own clones from regular landrace strains. This way they can avoid using chemicals that could affect the quality of their final product. Moreover, they can save money by not having to pay for the use of growing medium, nutrients and light required to sex their plants.

Unaltered Yield

While feminized seeds have become increasingly popular in recent years, regular seeds offer a range of advantages for experienced growers. Depending on your growing environment and overall goals, regular seeds allow you to create a strain that perfectly suits your needs.

You can also create hybrids that combine the best of two strains. Try crossing an indica with a sativa to get the perfect balance of fruity and earthy flavours, or experiment with terpene profiles.

Lastly, regular seeds can be used to cultivate clones that are identical to a particular specimen. This makes them an ideal option for growers who want to replicate a certain phenotype, morphology or colour. For these reasons, regular seeds remain a popular choice among many growers. They also produce a large yield for the first harvest, and the seeds can be used to cultivate more plants.

Unaltered Flowering Time

While feminized seeds promise no wasted space and time sexing out male plants, regular seeds still produce about 50% male and 50% female cannabis plant offspring under normal conditions. This makes them a popular choice for cultivators looking to breed and experiment with their own cultivars.

Studies of Arabidopsis thaliana genetic variation in flowering time have shown that the timing of seed set is controlled by temperature, and this coincides with a change in dormancy state. The two events together determine progeny life history strategy and fitness.

For experienced cultivators, growing regular seeds offers a real taste of nature’s work. It is a more expensive option than feminized seeds but can be well worth it for some growers who appreciate the value of a good male plant in their breeding programs.

Unaltered Genetic Diversity

From a population genetic point of view the participation of all parent clones in reproduction is necessary for a reliable transfer of high genetic diversity to the offspring generation. However, this is a challenge in European seed orchards with large numbers of clones because low clone participation leads to a significant reduction of effective population size and allelic richness (Wojacki et al., 2019).

In the four older German Douglas fir seed orchards analysed here, very high proportions of potential full- and half-sib relationships were found for both parental populations. Single tree seed harvests resulted in a strong sample bias for parent clones as only a fraction of adult clones were used as seed parents. In addition, a substantial amount of adult trees did not participate in pollen production or in the transfer of seeds to the offspring.