Best Regular Seeds

Why Regular Seed Is Best For Breeding

regular seed

Regular seeds are preferred by many seasoned growers for their stability. They are also much cheaper than feminized seeds as you will only have to remove around 40% of male plants after cultivation.

They operate exactly as nature intended. As a result, you will have a 50% chance of producing either a male or female plant at maturity.


Breeding is the sexual reproduction that produces offspring, whether it’s animals or plants. Cannabis is a dioecious plant, meaning it has male and female flowers that produce pollen. The pollen is transferred by wind or insects from one flower to another, which can lead to cross-pollination and the creation of new seeds.

To prevent this from happening, growers will “rogue” their fields, removing any off-type plants before flowering. This ensures the seeds produced will have the desired genetic traits. It also helps keep their yields high.

Unlike feminized seeds, which only produce female plants, regular seeds have a 50% chance of producing either male or female flowers. This is a huge advantage for growers who are interested in breeding and creating new cultivars. This is because feminized seeds can have inconsistent results and are harder to work with. This is why some growers prefer to use regular seeds.


If you find a strain that you really love, it can be worth taking the time to clone the plant. Clones are exact genetic copies of their mother plants and will reproduce that strain’s potency, effects, and appearance.

However, clones are delicate and require a greenhouse with carefully regulated humidity and temperature. If they aren’t given the proper conditions, clones may die before they begin to root.

In addition, clones are only guaranteed to produce female plants. While this can be a positive, some growers prefer to work with seeds in order to ensure they are planting only feminized strains.

Seeds also take a little longer to reach harvest, as they need to go through all four of the growth stages: germination, seedling, vegetative, and flowering. This adds about three weeks to the overall grow time. If you are shopping for seeds, look for a seed bank that has germination reports, cultivar information, and Certificate of Analysis (COA) available for viewing.


As they can produce both male and female plants, regular seeds are a popular choice for growers looking to start breeding. By brushing pollen from a male plant against a female, fertilisation can be achieved and seeds will begin to form.

Growers can then select the best sex of their offspring and begin to ‘fuse’ strains together to create new and exciting varieties. This can lead to improved potency, flavour profile and colouring.

As a general rule of thumb, when choosing a variety for breeding, breeders should always check that the name has not already been used by another company. This is done by ensuring that the name of the variety is written in lower case and italicised, and not as a cultivar. If this is not possible, research can be conducted by finding old journals or catalogues that have recorded the original variety. This will prevent any potential confusion and avoid any legal issues arising.


Many growers prefer to use regular seed because they are unaltered by human hands and have the potential for genetic diversity. They can be purchased from a range of experienced breeders who will help not only novice but also expert growers with the best growing methods and conditions.

Regular seeds can be used for breeding because they will produce both male and female plants. A good breeder can then separate the male plants from the females and collect pollen from the ripe flowers. This can be applied to other male and female plants in order to cross them and produce new strains of cannabis.

Feminized seeds, on the other hand, have a higher chance of becoming hermaphrodites. This is due to techniques such as topping, fimming and lollypopping which create stress on the plant and cause it to develop hermaphrodite cells. This can result in a male plant being produced, which the grower will have to cull and remove from their crop.

Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seed Is Essential For Breeding and Cloning Marijuana Plants

regular seed

For gardeners who enjoy breeding their own strains of marijuana, regular seed is essential. These seeds produce a natural proportion of male and female plants. They are also more stable than feminized seeds.

Growing these seeds is ideal for beginners who are learning about plant care. This way, they can avoid mistakes and save time and space by not having to remove 40% of the plants after sexing.


Breeding is the process of transferring genetic characteristics from one plant to another. It can be done through cross-pollination, which occurs when pollen from male plants is carried to the pistils of female plants. It can also be done through selective breeding, which involves selecting seeds that exhibit the desired phenotype.

Compared to regular seeds, feminized seeds have a much higher chance of producing only female plants. This makes them a popular choice for growers who want to ensure that their crop is 100% female. However, feminized seeds are not guaranteed to produce only female plants and there is always a small chance that some male or hermaphrodite plants will emerge.

Many commercial growers choose to use feminized seeds to improve the yield and potency of their crops. These seeds are bred to have a high germination rate and to produce large buds. This can result in a higher return on investment for the grower.


Cloning is a process that allows growers to produce plants with exact genetic characteristics. It is a great option for those who want to cultivate high-quality marijuana and need consistent results. In addition, clones usually produce a higher yield than regular seed.

Clones are also useful for growing rare or endangered species. Researchers have cloned several endangered animals, including the Banteg ox and African wildcats. However, the process has its critics. Some experts believe that cloning creates genetically identical offspring that lack the variation necessary for species survival.

The cloning process is a natural form of reproduction that occurs in many life forms, such as plants, bacteria, and fungi. This method of propagation can save time and money for farmers, as they don’t have to spend time breeding the seeds. In addition, clones tend to have a more uniform phenotype than seeds. The cloning process is also more reliable than other methods of propagation, such as cuttings or pollen.

Genetic purity

Genetic purity is a key component in varietal improvement and seed production. It is crucial for varietal dissemination and popularity, as well as for the survival of the variety. Maintaining genetic purity requires careful isolation to avoid natural crossing with other compatible species, mechanical mixing at the time of sowing, threshing, and processing, and contamination from seed-borne diseases in surrounding fields.

Despite rigorous methods of physical seed cleaning, it is difficult to remove all inadvertent cross-contamination completely from commercial planting seed. This contamination may be due to straw, other crop seeds, weeds, or soil particles. Seed producers must follow strict purity tolerances established by state laws or by seed certification agencies to ensure that purchasers receive pure seed.

Molecular characterization is a useful tool for the identification of parental genotypes in hybrid seed production. It is particularly useful in the case of high-quality varieties that incorporate major genes for herbicide or insect resistance. The application of RAPD markers to screen hybrids can be used in place of costly morphological tests and provide greater accuracy and speed.


While feminized seeds may have their place in the market, there is still a big demand for regular marijuana seeds. These seeds are more natural and are ideal for breeding or cloning cannabis plants. They also allow a strain to preserve its genetic lineage and produce new phenotypes. They are also cheaper than their feminized counterparts.

However, growing regular weed can be more difficult than growing feminized seeds. They often produce a high percentage of male plants, which can reduce the overall yield of your crop. In addition, identifying male plants and removing them can be difficult for novice growers. They can also be costly in terms of space, nutrients and light. Luckily, Herbies has many packs of regular seeds that are both affordable and reliable. They also have a variety of filters to help you find your perfect seeds quickly and easily. Their customer support is great too – Herbies offers 24/7 phone support to answer any questions you might have.

Best Regular Seeds

The Benefits of Cannabis Seed

The global cannabis seed market is growing rapidly. There are many reasons for this. One reason is the introduction of feminized seeds, which produce only female plants.

To germinate cannabis seeds, place them on a napkin or paper towel inside a container that is dark and warm. Spray the napkin with water every few hours. The seeds will eventually sprout and grow into a seedling.

Health Benefits

Cannabis seeds, also known as hemp seeds, are a nutritional powerhouse. They are rich in protein, fatty acids and omega-3s, as well as essential vitamins and minerals. These seeds are often placed into normal cigarettes and smoked for their psychotropic effects, but can also be eaten to get the same benefits.

They are high in dietary fiber, which helps reduce cholesterol levels and promote weight loss. They are also a good source of antioxidants, which can help prevent cancer and slow the aging process. They are a great source of plant-based proteins, which are easier for the body to digest than animal-based proteins.

Hemp seeds are packed with the amino acid arginine, which can increase blood flow and lower blood pressure. This can help with heart disease, which is a major cause of death globally. Regular consumption of hemp seeds can also help in reducing depression and anxiety. They also aid sleep by producing serotonin, which is converted into melatonin for better sleep.

Weight Management

Hemp seeds are a great snack option if you’re looking to lose weight or maintain your current weight. These shelled seeds are rich in protein, healthy fats, and minerals. They also have a light, nutty flavor and are easy to incorporate into your daily diet. You can eat them raw or try them in a hemp seed oil form, which aids digestion and balances hormones.

It goes without saying that a nutritious diet is essential for optimal health, but you might not know just how good cannabis seeds are for your body. They provide you with the perfect balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6, which is extremely important for your skin, hair, and nails.

Unlike the marijuana plants we see in dispensaries, cannabis seeds don’t contain any psychoactive principals. They’re grown from pollinated flowers on female cannabis plants, and they don’t have any chromosomes that can cause the plant to produce buds. They’re typically used for commercial purposes and can be purchased from many weed seed companies in a regular or feminized form.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Symptoms

Symptoms of PMS usually occur one to two weeks before menstruation and can be based on emotion or physical symptoms, such as bloating and breast pain. Symptoms can range from mild to severe. They disappear when the menstrual period begins.

The exact cause of PMS is unknown. However, fluctuating levels of certain hormones may play a role. It’s believed that insufficient amounts of the brain chemical serotonin may contribute to mood changes and fatigue.

There is no single test to diagnose PMS. A health care professional will ask about your symptoms and do a physical exam. He or she may also want you to keep a record of your symptoms for 2 to 3 months, called a “menstrual diary.” This will help him or her notice patterns. Some dietary and herbal supplements may reduce PMS symptoms. These include calcium, vitamin D, vitex agnus-castus, lemon balm, ginkgo biloba and St John’s wort. Talk to your doctor before trying any dietary or herbal remedies.

Heart Disease

Cannabis seeds are rich in protein, fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6), vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, antioxidants, fiber, and secondary plant compounds. In addition, they contain high levels of the amino acid arginine which helps maintain healthy blood pressure and promotes healthy blood flow throughout the body.

Hemp seeds, or cannabis sativa seeds, are packed with nutrients and have little to no psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinoids (THC). They’ve been used for centuries for their health benefits, which now include heart disease prevention and treatment.

Cannabis seeds normally produce equal numbers of male and female plants, but Dutch Passion stunned the cannabis world when they introduced feminized marijuana seeds. This revolutionary technology allows growers to create crops that are 95% female, a feat previously considered impossible. These feminized marijuana seeds have since become a popular choice amongst small growers. The feminized seeds are easy to germinate and provide consistent, high quality harvests. They also perform well in a wide variety of growing conditions, making them a valuable option for many marijuana cultivators.