Best Regular Seeds

The Different Types of Cannabis Seed

cannabis seed

Cannabis seeds contain all the information needed for a plant to grow and reproduce. The same genetic material can be transferred from seed to seed, enabling breeders to select for desired traits, such as potency or smell.

There are three main seed types for growing cannabis: regular, feminized and autoflowering. All of them have their own unique advantages and disadvantages.

Feminized seeds

Unlike regular cannabis seeds, which have a 50% chance of growing male plants, feminized seeds are bred to produce female only cannabis plants. These are a popular choice for commercial growers and home cultivators who want to ensure their plants produce only flowers that contain edible cannabinoids.

Feminized seeds are also known as ‘seedless’ because they don’t have the pollen sacs or flowers that a regular plant develops. This allows growers to eliminate male plants from the crop, which can ruin their harvest.

There are two main ways that reputable seed banks and breeders create feminized seeds: chemically or manually. The professional method involves drenching bud sites of a female cannabis plant with substances that interact with the process of pollination, such as colloidal silver or gibberellic acid.

Regular seeds

Regular cannabis seeds are an excellent option for breeders who want to explore the full range of phenotypes that a strain can display. Because they’re not modified, regular seeds allow breeders to work with the natural traits of a particular cannabis cultivar.

As a result, you’ll be able to discover new phenotypes, which can lead to some exciting breeding projects. These are great for both novice and experienced growers alike, but it’s important to follow germination guidelines to ensure healthy results.

Another advantage of regular seeds is that they’re available from seed banks across the world, making them a more accessible alternative to feminized seed varieties. However, it’s important to be sure you’re purchasing from a reputable source to avoid the risk of faulty seeds or contaminated products.

Like feminized seeds, regular cannabis seeds have an equal chance of producing female or male plants. However, the ratio is up to luck and can fluctuate over time. Usually, about 50% of a batch of seeds will produce either female buds or male pollen sacs.

Autoflowering seeds

Autoflowering seeds are cannabis plants that begin flowering automatically according to their age, regardless of the photoperiod (hours of light). These plants also produce higher amounts of CBD than photoperiod strains and can be harvested in less time.

They can be grown indoors or outdoors and are generally easy to grow, making them the ideal seed choice for beginners. They come in a range of strains, including high THC and fast flowering varieties.

If you’re unsure where to start, a reputable seed bank can help you find the right strains for your growing needs. Some of these companies offer germination and delivery guarantees. They also accept a variety of payment methods, including bank transfers, credit/debit cards, cash, Bitcoin, and checks. You can also check reputable seed bank customer reviews on sites like Trustpilot.

Hybrid seeds

A hybrid cannabis strain is created by crossing two or more different weed strains to combine the best qualities from each parent. For example, a hybrid sativa-dominant strain can produce a powerful cerebral high with an uplifting euphoria that will last for hours on end.

Hybrid seeds have also been bred to be more resistant to fungi and diseases. This makes them ideal for indoor growers.

These seeds can be grown in soil, coco coir, or hydroponics. However, many hybrid strains prefer a warmer and less humid environment than traditional cannabis strains, so make sure you choose the right one for your climate.

Hybrid marijuana plants are a great option for commercial growers, especially those who need high yields and short flowering times. This is because they have been engineered to grow more efficiently than pure indica and sativa strains.

Best Regular Seeds

The Basics of Regular Weed Seed

regular seed

Regular seeds are one of the oldest and most popular types of weed seed. They are a popular choice for both old-school growers and newbies alike.

These cannabis seeds are 100% natural and have a 50% chance of producing male or female plants under normal growing conditions. They’re also the preferred choice for breeders who use male and female plants to produce their own strains.


Breeding regular seed is a great way to create your own unique hybrid strains. They can be a fun and exciting process, and it’s a good idea to do it if you have the space and patience.

Regular seeds develop into male and female marijuana plants, just like humans. It’s a process that’s natural and doesn’t require any genetic tampering.

They’re also much easier to breed than feminized seeds. Feminized cannabis seeds have been bred using at least one hermaphrodite plant as a parent strain, which makes them much more likely to go hermaphrodite when stressed.

If you’re interested in breeding, you should start by purchasing a variety of high-quality non-feminized seeds. These strains are often cheaper than feminized varieties and offer growers a more reliable source of weed genetics.


Cloning is the process of taking a plant from its vegetative state and putting it into its flowering phase. It’s used for research purposes as well as by growers to produce genetically identical plants.

It’s also an inexpensive way to incorporate a specific phenotype into a grow. Unlike seeds that need to go through all four stages of the growing cycle, clones only require two weeks for their root growth.

To clone, you need to select a mother plant that’s at least two months into the vegetative cycle and is sturdy. Then, you need to cut healthy, long branches from that plant.

When you’re ready to start cloning, keep the cuttings and the mother plant clean and disinfected. Use sterilized razors and scissors, and wipe down your work area with high-proof alcohol to reduce the risk of infection. It’s also important to hydrate the mother plant and cuttings in non-chlorinated water until you’re ready to dip them into your rooting hormone gel.


Organic regular seed is the type of seeds grown on a farm using organic farming practices. Unlike conventional seeds, they are grown from plants that were not treated with pesticides and chemical fertilizers during their entire growth cycle.

The nutrient rich soil and composted manure make it easier for the seeds to thrive, and the diversity of genetics in the seed helps them withstand environmental challenges without the need for chemical spraying. This means that the strongest plants can survive and bear seed, making them more likely to produce the next generation of crops.

There are many different types of seed available, and some growers prefer to collect their own from local sources. This can be a very economical way to source organic seeds, but is also time-consuming and requires careful tracking. If you do choose to purchase seed from a local source, it is important to ensure the seeds are certified organic.


Cannabis seed prices are determined by several factors, including the quality of the genetics, the legality of the seeds in your location, and supply and demand. They are also affected by market trends and the THC levels in each strain.

Regular cannabis seeds are less expensive than feminized and autoflowering seed varieties because they don’t require extensive breeding to produce a stable weed. They are ideal for patients who want to grow medical marijuana at home without spending a fortune.

However, they do not have the same genetic characteristics as feminized and autoflowering strains. So, if you’re looking for a more reliable plant that can produce more buds, you should consider buying a seed from a trusted breeder.

While it’s possible to get a decent split between male and female plants from a single batch of seed, it’s best to buy a few extra to account for any unwanted plants. A 50/50 split is the normal result but it can sometimes swing in one direction or another, so make sure to buy enough seed to reach your desired amount of plants!

Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seed – The Originals

regular seed

Regular seed is a traditional method of obtaining cannabis plants that naturally give rise to a 50% male / 50% female ratio. This 50/50 split is the ideal gender balance to produce healthy, high-quality cannabis crops.

Although they have become less popular over the years, regular seeds remain a viable option for growers. There are many benefits to choosing this option, including:

They’re cheaper

If you’re just starting out, regular seed is often a cheaper option than feminized seeds. However, it’s important to remember that they don’t produce buds as well as their feminized counterparts.

A good way to save money on your marijuana seed order is to buy from a reputable online seed bank. These sites offer a variety of payment methods, and some of them even give a discount if you pay with Bitcoin.

For example, ILGM offers a 10% discount on all orders paid with Bitcoin. They also have a large selection of cannabis strains to choose from.

Feminized cannabis seeds are also a great option for growers who don’t want to waste time sexing male plants or dealing with the risk of sexing their own. These seeds eliminate the risk of males, which can make your growing experience much more enjoyable and successful.

They’re easier to breed

If you’re planning on breeding your own strains, regular seed will make this process a lot easier. They’re naturally balanced between male and female chromosomes, meaning they’re much more likely to produce offspring with the traits you want.

You can also use regular seeds to clone your favourite plants. This allows you to keep a healthy and strong genetic copy of a particular cultivar for future use.

Feminized and autoflowering cannabis seeds are a relatively recent development in the cannabis seed industry, but they’re worth considering if you’re looking for high-quality clones. They’re also a great option for beginners, as they can help you build your growing skills and get to grips with the basics.

When choosing your cannabis seeds, make sure you choose high-quality products from reputable seed banks. This will ensure that you’ll be getting a product that’s free from tampering and has been cultivated using the best methods. It’s also important to choose a seed bank that has a proven track record of customer service and lots of repeat customers.

They’re more stable

Regular seeds are the originals, and they still offer growers a lot of options to experiment with. They don’t undergo any genetic tampering, which means they’re much more stable than their feminized counterparts.

They also tend to produce more robust clones than their feminized counterparts because they don’t have any unstable genetics. This is especially true when it comes to cloning.

Another reason regular seeds are better than their feminized counterparts is because they produce a higher yield. However, that’s not always the case, and it all depends on how much care you give them.

They’re easier to grow

Regular seeds are a lot easier to grow than feminized seeds. They’re less likely to become hermaphrodites (developing both male and female flowers) and are more resilient to stress.

They’re also easier to root from cuttings. This is a great way to get an early start on your grow and to make more plants than you could in a traditional germination process.

The other big advantage of regular seed is that it’s much easier to breed new strains. You can combine different strains to create hybrids that are unique to you and your grow room.

You can also use regular seed to clone specific specimens that you love. This is a great way to keep your favourite traits, such as a specific morphology, colour, or aroma, in the next generation.