Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seed – What Is It?

regular seed

Regular seeds are a type of cannabis seed that maintains the original genetic makeup of the plant. These seeds have not been altered to improve farming convenience, increase yield, or fight diseases.

Breeders prefer these types of seeds for many reasons. They have better plant genetic stability and are easier to grow.

They are affordable

Regular seeds are an excellent option for those with a limited budget. They can be bought from reputable online seed banks like Beaver Seeds, and they have the potential to yield high-quality plants.

You can also buy smaller starter packs of seeds from outdoor nurseries and farmers markets, which can cost about $1 to $3 per plant. These plants are usually a few inches tall and will grow quickly.

Another way to save money on cannabis seeds is to buy them from a seed bank that offers a discount for purchasing in bulk. However, it is important to choose a reputable seed bank that accepts Visa and Mastercard to avoid fraud.

They are easy to grow

Regular seed is a great option for first-time growers, as it can save you a lot of money. Moreover, they are extremely easy to grow.

Another reason why these seeds are so easy to grow is because they don’t have to be pollinated. You can easily harvest big, juicy buds without having to worry about males and females destroying each other’s growth process.

Whether you want to grow your plants indoors or outside, there are many types of regular seed you can choose from. For example, you can grow sunflowers by simply planting a single seed and watch it grow to 6+ feet tall.

These plants also reseed, so you can enjoy a continuous harvest in the same spot. You can also choose from several varieties, including branching types, which produce more blooms. They can be grown from seed and do well in poor soil and dry gardens. These flowers come in a variety of colors, including pastel and neon.

They are easy to harvest

Unlike a trip to your local nursery, where you may spend upwards of a hundred dollars on a few plants, seeds can be a fraction of the cost. They also last for years, which is a good thing when it comes to growing your own food.

The best place to buy quality seed is MSNL or Herbies, which both offer some of the most competitive prices around. Both of these stores have a range of seeds to choose from, ranging from inexpensive multi-packs to expensive single-seed offerings. They are both a great place to start if you are just getting started and have a small budget to spare.

The most efficient way to harvest regular seeds is to plant them directly into the ground or a bed of loose soil, as opposed to transplanting them. This will save you money and ensure you get the most out of your investment. Choosing the right strain to suit your needs and growing environment will make your seed-sowing experience a success.

They are easy to store

Unlike some other seed types, regular seeds can be stored long term without the risk of them losing their ability to germinate. If stored properly, they can remain viable for up to five years or more.

However, it is important to store them in a dry and cool environment. If you plan to store them for a long time, consider using an airtight container or bag with a desiccant packet inside.

A desiccant is a type of powder or gel that absorbs excess moisture. They are sold in a variety of sizes and can be purchased from stores or online.

Silica gel packets are another good option for storing seeds as they can absorb excess moisture. They can be used to keep seeds dry in paper, plastic, and glass containers.

Best Regular Seeds

The Different Types of Cannabis Seed

cannabis seed

When you grow cannabis, it is advisable to buy good quality seeds. This is because the seed will determine the quality of your harvest.

However, it is important to understand that seeds can vary in size, shape and color. This can make it difficult to determine whether they are good or bad.


The size of a cannabis seed can vary from very tiny to large. It’s also important to know that a seed’s shape and size does not determine its growth or health.

A mature, fully grown cannabis seed is usually round and rounded with one pointed end and one flat end. It’s a brown color with longitudinal ridges and might have attractive dark markings called tiger stripes.

These tiger stripes are not actually a part of the seed, but they are what give mature seeds their unique color and appearance. They’re easy to rub off and reveal the true tan/beige color of the seed underneath.

If you’re planning on storing your seed for a long time, you should use a low-humidity container to keep them in. This is especially important if you live in an area with a lot of humidity. If you’re unsure about how to store your seeds, check with the seller or a gardening expert.


The shape of a cannabis seed is usually oval, but some seeds can have stripes on them. They are about the size of a peppercorn, and have a ridge that runs longitudinally on one side from tip to tip.

The other side of the seed is rounded and pointed. This ridge opens up during the germination process, allowing a new root to grow out of it.

A healthy cannabis seed should be round in shape and have a thick, hard shell. This outer casing protects the embryo of the plant and helps the seed to withstand water.

Seeds are typically brown in color but some have tiger stripes or turtle shell patterns. These colors are a result of genetics and the environment.


A cannabis seed is green in color due to chlorophyll, a chemical that helps the plant absorb light for photosynthesis. As the marijuana plant ages, this pigment begins to decline and other colors begin to appear in the leaves and flowers.

The color of a cannabis seed is an important factor to consider when growing cannabis because it indicates the quality and health of the plant. Generally speaking, seeds that are dark brown, black, red-brown or gray are considered to be of higher quality than white or light green seeds.

The color of a cannabis seed is also related to the pH level of the grow medium. Some growers choose to keep the pH of their growing media in the range of 5.5-6.5, and plants that receive this nutrient formulation often develop purple-colored buds at harvest time.


Femininity is the dynamic sociocultural, psychological, and visible traits that are traditionally associated with girls/women in a given culture. The definition of femininity is multidimensional and incorporates varying degrees of feminine traits across personal, social, and role identity, as well as implicit identities (Feinberg 148).

It can also be defined as a set of values that are usually associated with women, womanhood, or girls within a society. Typically, these values are learned at an early age and reinforced throughout the life course.

Femininity can be expressed in biological terms, as well as through gender differences, but the idea of a male/female spectrum is fundamentally problematic, arguing that “anatomic sex differentiation occurs on a male/female continuum, and there are several dimensions” (Feinberg 148). Moreover, femininity and masculinity are often rooted in societal scripts, which are shaped by cultural expectations, pressure to conform, and sexual awakening and maturation.

Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seed – What Are They?

regular seed

Regular seeds are a type of cannabis seed that can grow into both male and female plants. They can be used for both recreational and medicinal purposes, as well as breeding and producing new strains.

Although feminized seeds are more popular, many breeders and experienced growers still appreciate working with regular seeds. They offer more genetic variation and are therefore the perfect tool for exploring a cultivar’s lineage.

They are cheaper

Regular seeds are a popular choice for novice and experienced growers, and are a good option for those looking to save money on cannabis seeds. They are cheaper than feminized or autoflowering seed and offer an abundance of potential strains to experiment with.

Aside from being cheap, regular seeds are also extremely versatile and easy to breed. This means that they can be used to create new cultivars, as well as produce superior clones.

Typically, a 50/50 split between male and female specimens is normal in a sample of seeds. However, some seeds may contain a higher percentage of males than females.

These traits are not necessarily bad, as it can be valuable to have male plants around to maintain genetics or breed new experiments. As long as they are kept healthy and well-nourished, they can be a powerful addition to any cultivation space. Nevertheless, for beginners or smaller scale indoor operations, feminized seeds can be preferable due to their practicality and simplicity in growing space.

They are more stable

Regular seed is a great choice for growers looking to maximize their yields. It’s also a good option for novice growers who haven’t yet mastered the art of plant breeding.

Most cannabis seeds are photoperiod strains, meaning they’ll start as a vegetative plant and go through flowering phase as long as they get enough light. However, there are some that don’t need the lights to bloom – this is called an autoflowering strain.

Feminized seeds are another popular option for growers who want to maximize their yields. These seeds will produce a predominately female crop, eliminating male plants and pollination risk while increasing the quality of your buds.

However, feminized seeds can be tricky to breed. They require rigorous breeding, patience, time and money. They may also be prone to unstable genetics. That means it’s often easier and more cost-effective to stick with regular seed varieties. The most important part is to decide what you’re trying to achieve with your crops and which type of seed will best suit your needs.

They are easier to breed

There are several types of cannabis seeds on the market, including autoflowering and feminized varieties. Some growers swear by them, while others prefer the old-fashioned regular seed.

If you want to get the most out of your growing experience, it is important to choose the right type of seed. While feminized and autoflowering seeds are relatively new developments, regular seeds have been around for years and are still considered the gold standard in cultivation.

They are much easier to breed than feminized or autoflowering seeds, and they are also significantly cheaper. However, this is not a guarantee that they will produce the best results.

They are more versatile

Despite the ubiquity of feminized seed, many growers still prefer the old fashioned way. This is because they find it easier to control a seedling’s growth resulting in better yields and a higher quality crop. Regardless of your preferred method, the key to a successful harvest is choosing the right type of seeds for the job. While a few strains may be better suited to a particular growing environment than others, a bit of research will help you find the best cannabis seeds for your needs.

Although a plethora of seed brands have made their mark on the industry, Sensi Seeds is proud to be the oldest and largest seed brand in Europe. Fortunately for us and our customers, we also have access to the latest in breeder technology and research, meaning you can count on the best possible genetics for your next crop. We’ve got you covered in all your seed-related needs, from identifying the best cannabis seeds for your specific growing goals to recommending the best cannabis plants for your unique climate. We’re also always on hand to answer any questions you might have – we’d love to hear from you!