Best Regular Seeds

The Different Types of Cannabis Seed

regular seed

When growing cannabis, it’s important to choose the right seeds. There are many different types of seed, and knowing the differences between them is essential to achieving success.

Regular seed is one of the most common seeds available on the market. They’re cheaper than feminized seeds, easy to grow and produce strong clones.

They are cheaper than feminized seeds

Regular seeds are a great way to experiment with cannabis strains. They are cheaper than feminized seeds, and they allow growers to breed new strains or experiment with their own genetics without having to worry about culling male plants.

They also make it easy to clone and preserve mother plants. Some growers keep their mother plants for years, using them to clone fresh buds and maintain the genetics of their favourite strain.

Feminized seeds are ideal for growers who want to have complete control over the final plant size and yield. They can be grown indoors in a small space, or outdoors in larger operations that need to stick with a specific plant count.

The choice between feminized and regular seed types depends on the cultivation experience, primary goal for harvest, time or space constraints, and more. It also depends on personal preference and the grower’s goals for cannabis consumption.

They are easy to grow

Regular seed is easy to grow, as long as you follow the correct germination procedures. They need to be placed in a warm, dark place and soaked with water for up to 120 hours until they germinate.

While feminized seeds are easier to grow, regular cannabis seeds are more popular with experienced growers who want a higher yield or are interested in breeding their own strains. They can be grown indoors or outdoors and are more resistant to pests.

They can also be bred using genetic material from different strains. This can result in a new strain that has different characteristics and phenotypes than the original parent plant.

Another advantage of growing with regular seeds is that they can preserve old-school weed varieties that were never feminized. This is especially important for those who are interested in back-crossing and producing stable IBLs.

They are easy to harvest

Regular seeds are easy to harvest from a variety of fruits and vegetables. Some of the best varieties to save are cucumbers, beans, peas, peppers, tomatoes, and watermelons.

Seeds from these types of plants self-pollinate, making it easy to save and grow them again in the future. You can also save seeds from open-pollinated vegetable varieties, like carrots and onions.

When you are growing these types of crops, it is important to remove the males before they start to flower. This can be done by cutting the flower head or removing them completely from the plant.

The reason for this is that they are valuable for breeding purposes and can produce better clones than feminized seeds. They are also less likely to become hermaphrodites under stress, which is important when you want to cultivate a strain with multiple terpenes or high THC content.

They are easy to store

Regular seeds are easy to store and keep viable long term. They can be stored in a cupboard, closet or other cool, dry area.

Seeds can also be stowed in airtight containers like mason jars. If your location is humid, placing a few packets of silica gel in the container can help to absorb excess moisture.

If you’re storing seed packets, make sure that the label is intact and the date is clearly marked. This will help you to quickly sift through your seeds and categorize them by year if necessary.

Best Regular Seeds

What is a Seed?


A seed (also called a kernel) is a small embryonic plant enclosed in a protective covering called the seed coat. It is the product of a ripened ovule in angiosperm and gymnosperm plants.

Seeds store food and help the new plant grow. They are a major source of food for animals and people, and are also used in plant breeding to produce new varieties of plants with desirable characteristics.

What is a seed?

A seed is a part of a plant that can grow into a new plant. It has three basic parts: an embryo, a supply of nutrients for the embryo and some sort of protective cover to protect the seed from damage.

The seeds of flowering plants, called angiosperms, are encapsulated by a seed coat (testa) that provides protection from water and temperature changes, and food reserves for the growing embryo. Cotyledons (embryo leaves) are present within the seed and help to classify angiosperms into dicots and monocots.

Many common seeds, such as peas, beans, peanuts and sesame, are edible. Seeds are also used to make many commercial products, including cotton and flax fiber, which is used in textile production. Some nonfood oils are extracted from seeds, such as linseed oil.

How do seeds grow?

Seeds are the basic unit of reproduction for most flowering plants. They contain an embryo (a miniature undeveloped plant) and food reserves enclosed within a protective coat or coats.

To grow, seeds need the right conditions such as water, oxygen and temperature. They also need a time when these conditions are favorable for germination, which is the process by which seeds transform into seedlings.

Many seeds remain dormant until they encounter a specific set of germination triggers that tell them it is time to break out of their dormancy. These triggers vary from species to species, and depend on moisture, temperature, oxygen and light.

To make this determination, seeds use tiny brains that act like the ones found in our own bodies. These brains, based on bundles of specialized cells, process hormone signals that tell them when it is prime time to break dormancy and start growing.

How do seeds store food?

Seeds are an important source of food for many people around the world. They include grains, legumes and nuts and are an integral part of a healthy diet.

Depending on how and where they are stored, seeds can be kept for years. However, their longevity depends on a variety of factors including temperature, moisture and light exposure.

The most common way to store seeds is in a cool, dry place where they will stay crisp and fresh for years. These conditions help preserve the quality of the seeds and encourage germination.

How do seeds germinate?

Seeds have to undergo a process called germination in order to grow into plants. This process begins when seeds are placed in the soil and watered properly.

Water is a vital component to seed germination because it provides the seeds with water and oxygen they need to survive. However, too much water can cause the seeds to drown, so it’s important to follow the instructions on the seed package for how deep to plant them and how much water they need.

Temperature is also an essential element to seed germination, since it affects the seeds’ metabolism and growth rate. A moderate temperature of 25 to 30degC is the ideal range, but some seeds require special conditions either lower or higher than this.

How do seeds grow into plants?

The transformation from a seed to a plant isn’t as simple as “just add water”. For many plants it takes weeks – even months – before they sprout.

During this time, seeds need energy (from light) and moisture. They also need nutrients from the soil they are planted in.

Every cell in a plant has a list of instructions called DNA, which describes how that cell should look, work, and grow.

These instructions tell the cell where to get its food and where to find oxygen.

During this time, the embryo inside the seed coat is dormant until conditions are right for germination. Some species require specific light and temperature conditions, while others only need the presence of oxygen and a little water to spring into action.

Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seeds – Old School Cannabis Genetics

regular seeds

While feminized and autoflowering seeds have gained a lot of attention in recent years, regular seeds remain a popular choice for cannabis breeders.

They carry both male and female DNA in an ideal proportion of about 50%. This allows breeders to create new strains and produce superior clones.


Plant breeding is a process of selecting and crossing plants to produce new varieties. The goal of breeding is to create plants that are more resistant to disease, have better growth, or have more potent terpenes.

Breeding can be performed on a large scale or on a small scale, and it is an important part of cannabis cultivation. It allows growers to maintain genetic diversity and to ensure that they are getting the type of cannabis strains they want.

A common way to breed regular seeds is to cross them with other feminized seeds. This method can be difficult, but it is a great way to increase the chances of success for your crop.


The cloning process takes half of the genetic code from one organism (an egg) and remixes it with half from another (a sperm). The resulting embryo is not genetically identical to the parent, but it does carry over the same desirable genes.

However, clones aren’t completely free of defects from the mother plant’s DNA. They can carry hidden genetic flaws that express themselves later on during flowering, as well as pest and disease vulnerabilities.

Aside from genetics, clones also need to be grown in a nutrient-rich growing medium that includes a rooting hormone to promote growth and help the roots grow properly. Once the clones have rooted, they will need water and nutrients until they are ready to be transplanted into your garden or grown in larger containers.

Clones are a great option for growers who need a guaranteed source of genetics but don’t want to deal with the hassle of planting seeds. They also tend to produce more yields and have similar phenotypes than seed-grown plants.

Old-school genetics

Old-school cannabis genetics have a special place in the world of regular seeds. These are seed strains that have stood the test of time and been proven to be easy to grow in a variety of different grow systems and grow mediums.

These cannabis strains are also known to have a high level of THC and are well-suited for growing indoors or outdoors. They are also popular with some specialist growers who appreciate the fact that they contain authentic original genetics which are often becoming rarer and harder to find.

The Super Sativa Seed Club (SSSC) offers a range of regular seeds that contain some of their most popular and elite old-school genetics. These seed strains come from the earliest days of cannabis seed breeding and were a mainstay of some of the first ‘home growers’ and growing collectives.


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