Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seed Vs Feminized Seed For Growing Marijuana

regular seed

When it comes to growing marijuana, there are different seed types available. The type you choose depends on your needs, growing conditions, and overall goals.

There are two main types of cannabis seeds: regular and feminized. Each has its own pros and cons, so it is important to consider them before making a purchase.

Genetic Stability

A regular seed will produce consistent plants and expressions that are predictable across multiple environments and breeding. This is known as ‘genetic stability’, but it is not the same thing as ‘true-breeding’.

Genetic stability is the result of selecting and crossbreeding plants over a large number of generations, working to create the best plants possible. It is also important to avoid mutation, as this can make the plants more prone to problems like hermaphroditism and pollination issues.

In addition, a stable genetic can be the result of cloning, where genetic features are transferred into an unrelated plant. This technique is used for introducing desirable traits into a plant, such as purpling leaves or webbed stems.

However, a cloned seed is not completely genetically stable; it can be altered by environmental changes or by other factors, even after it has been grown for several years. This is the reason that many breeders prefer to use regular seeds over clones for their crops, as it has less risk of genetic instability.

Less Risk of Hermaphroditism

While regular seed can naturally grow to become hermaphrodites, it is much less likely than feminized seeds. This is mainly because feminized seeds are derived from genetic crossings of female chromosomes (XX) with male chromosomes (XY).

The majority of flowering plant species are dioecious, meaning that they produce a male and a female flower. However, cannabis plants can also be hermaphroditic, which produces a single plant with both male and female sexual organs.

Hermaphroditism is an interesting breeding system for a number of reasons, including the fact that it allows plants to breed with their own sex and to have more control over their crop yields. It also gives growers the opportunity to cross breed plants for their own unique crossbreeds, something that can be incredibly useful.

The risk of hermaphroditism in a strain can be caused by a number of factors, both environmental and genetic. Generally, the more stress a plant is under, the more likely it is to hermaphrodite.

Less Risk of Pollination Problems

A great way to attract a variety of pollinators to your property is with a good seed mix. The key is to provide a diverse selection of flowering plants for native bees and other pollinators to find and eat. The result is a win-win for you and the animals in your life.

While the best way to achieve this is with a seed mix, you can also try some other methods that can be used to increase pollinator numbers. The easiest is to plant a pollinator strip between or near your garden and crops to offer a forage buffet. Another is to create a hummingbird sanctuary or other wildlife conservation area. These habitats offer safe, accessible, and long-lasting water sources for pollinators like bees, birds, and butterflies to find and eat. The best part is that these areas don’t require much maintenance and will help to protect your crop yields in the long run. If you haven’t done so already, make it a point to incorporate pollinator plantings on your property this year.

Less Risk of Male Plants

A major advantage to growing regular seed over feminized seed is that it has less risk of male plants. While a few of your seeds may turn out to be hermaphrodites, this is far less common than with feminized seeds.

This less risk of male plants is due to the fact that genetically, regular seeds aren’t created by artificial means. When they are germinated, they have a 50/50 chance of becoming female or male.

As a result, you will need to be diligent about identifying your crop of plants. During the 3-6 weeks before your plant enters the flowering stage, it will produce small leaves that can be used to determine its gender. A male plant will have more circular “ball” leaves, and a female plant will have longer and thinner leaves. A grower can then decide whether or not they want to cultivate the crop as a female or male. This is a vital step for the health of your harvest and crop.

Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seed – An Important Part of Any Grower’s Stash

regular seed

Regular seed can be an important part of any grower’s stash. They can be used for breeding, producing superior clones, and helping to preserve plant genetics.

These seeds have a 50% chance of developing into male or female plants. They also offer a number of benefits that feminized seeds don’t, including:

They are cheaper

While regular seed can be cheaper than other types of seeds, it is important to consider how it will impact your crop. For example, if you choose to grow cannabis with regular seeds, you may be sacrificing yields.

When you purchase seeds, you are paying for the genetics of the strain. However, it is also important to remember that growing conditions and experience can have a significant impact on the final plant’s phenotype.

Similarly, if you are a cannabis breeder, regular seed can be an important tool in your arsenal. They can be used to create unique hybrids and preserve the original strains.

While the price of seeds can be confusing, it is important to keep in mind that they are a commodity and are sold in pounds. This means that adding and removing seeds will affect the overall price.

They are more stable

Regular seed is a little more resilient than its contemporaries. For example, feminized seed is not likely to produce hermaphrodites in the first place whereas regular seeds are less susceptible to genetic drift. In addition, they are better at handling stress.

While they are not necessarily the cheapest type of seed to buy, they do make for better quality products. For instance, they are also less likely to be subject to mold and mildew when stored correctly. Furthermore, they are easier to grow on a small scale. This makes them a good fit for home gardeners and those with limited growing space. In fact, many CSA and farmer’s market growers swear by them. You’ll also find that they last longer compared to their cloned counterparts. The best part is that you can enjoy the fruits of your labour for years to come! With the right tools and knowledge, you can turn your kitchen garden into a bountiful wonderland.

They are easier to grow

If you’re a beginner cannabis grower, regular seed is a great option for you. They are less expensive than feminized seeds and they are easier to grow, without the need for special equipment or training.

You can also use regular seed to produce clones and grow more plants in a shorter period of time. These clones are much more stable than their feminized counterparts and they have stronger genetics.

Regular cannabis seeds have a 50/50 ratio of male and female plants. This gives growers more control over the gender of their plant, making them easier to breed and create new strains.

They are also cheaper than feminized seeds, and they are more suitable for cloning. However, they are more difficult to grow than autoflowers, as they need 12 hours of darkness to flower. Nevertheless, they are still the most popular type of cannabis seed for novice growers and gardeners. Fortunately, there are many high-quality seed banks that offer regular seed varieties for sale online.

They are more versatile

Regular seeds are an excellent choice for growers who want to cultivate marijuana plants that have a wide variety of features. They are also ideal for beginners, as they will not require special growing mediums and can easily be grown in a variety of environments.

Another advantage of regular seed is their ability to be cloned. This allows growers to make an exact genetic copy of a plant, so they can recreate the characteristics that they like most.

Seeds are a great source of protein and fibre, which can help keep you feeling full for longer. They are also rich in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. Adding seeds to your diet will open up a world of health benefits without any effort.

Best Regular Seeds

The Importance of Choosing the Right Cannabis Seed

cannabis seed

When you find a seed in good cannabis, it’s a big thrill. But not all seeds are created equal, so make sure to examine them carefully before planting.

A viable seed will appear shiny, light to dark brown and dry to the touch. If it looks weak or soft, it’s likely underdeveloped and won’t germinate.

Choosing the Right Seeds

The cannabis seeds that you choose can have a significant impact on the final outcome of your grow. This is why it’s so important to choose the right ones.

You’ll want to choose cannabis seeds based on their benefits and effects as well as their ability to fit your growing environment. Indica strains tend to be more suitable for cooler and cloudier climates, while sativa strains are more appropriate for warmer environments.

There are two types of cannabis seeds: regular and feminized. Feminized cannabis seeds are seed varieties that have undergone professional breeding to ensure that they only produce female plants.

There are also photoperiod and autoflowering cannabis seeds. Photoperiod cannabis seeds require a 12-12 hour change in the light cycle to flower, while autoflowering plants have been engineered to automatically begin the flowering process without changing the light schedule.


Germinating cannabis seeds is a crucial step in the growing process. If your seeds don’t germinate properly, they won’t grow into healthy plants!

The process involves water, air and warmth. Once these conditions are met, a seed will start to split open, and a small root will emerge from the outer shell.

Once the seed has germinated, it will be ready to transfer into soil. However, it is important to remember that these tiny baby seedlings are incredibly fragile and can be damaged if you don’t handle them carefully!

The best way to germinate cannabis seeds is with a soil medium. This is the most reliable way to do it and requires no extra equipment other than a pot or other container with a lid.


Growing cannabis seeds is one of the most important steps in ensuring that your plant grows to its full potential. Choosing the right seed type is essential for successful germination and harvesting.

The first step is to germinate your seeds by soaking them in distilled water. You can do this with a paper towel and a plate or with a humidity dome like the Super Sprouter Standard Humidity Dome.

After a few days, the seedling will begin to sprout and grow. It will need to be nourished regularly and should not be overwatered.

Growing cannabis from seeds is a great option for the home grower, as it’s easier to source than clones and will produce more powerful and robust plants. But it does have its downsides, so it’s important to choose the seed type that’s right for your environment.


Cannabis seed is a very valuable part of the growing process. It allows you to keep genetics for future growth, saving you time, money, and space in the long run.

The seedling phase of a plant is where it develops its primary root and grows its first leaves. How long this stage lasts will depend on the type of plant, as well as environmental conditions.

As the seedling stage ends, the plant enters its flowering phase. This happens when it receives less light per day (from 18 to 12 hours).

Once the flowering period has begun, growers monitor the pistils on cola buds and the appearance of trichomes. Initially pistils are white and as they start to turn brown it’s a good indicator that the plant is getting ready for harvest.

Before you harvest, be sure to flush your plants and trim them. Flushing will remove excess nourishment from the buds to ensure you get a cleaner crop.