Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seed – A Powerful Tool For the Grower

regular seed

Regular seed is a type of cannabis seed that has both male and female seeds in an ideal proportion of 50/50. Unlike feminized seeds, regular seeds are not genetically altered to make future generations less stable.

They are a popular choice among growers who don’t mind producing male plants in the course of their cultivation. They’re also cheaper than feminized seeds, which means you can get more bud for your money.


If you are a grower that likes to experiment with breeding and creating new strains, regular seed is an essential part of your kit. Breeding a new cannabis strain can be an extremely rewarding experience as it is very possible to create a new phenotype that you have never seen before!

If a grower is interested in creating a new strain they will need to breed the male and female plants together. Traditionally this has been done from bag seeds which will contain a mix of males and females.

Regular seeds can be a great option for growing out large numbers of males and females that are useful for breeding purposes. Using a selection of these male and female plants for your breeding project will ensure that you have the best chance of success!

They are also cheaper than feminized seeds making them a good choice for those on a budget. They will also provide you with superior clones which you can then use to make your own cannabis hybrids.


Seeds are a powerful tool for the grower who wants to create their own strains. They enable growers to breed their favourite male and female plants to produce new genotypes with a variety of traits.

Moreover, regular seeds are a great way to preserve old-school cannabis cultivars from the past. They’re often a more cost-effective way to reproduce an existing cultivar than feminized seeds.

However, cloning has its own set of limitations. The process is complicated, and you’ll need to take care not to damage your plants in any way.

The clones you choose will need to be healthy and strong enough to root well and grow fast. This comes down to a few simple things: look for white roots and a green, healthy appearance. If you see brown roots, or if the plant is weak and frail, don’t buy it.


Seeds are produced when pollen transfers from a female flower to a male flower. This can happen in nature through wind, water or animals.

If the female flowers are open to the air, you can easily see if they are pollinated by observing their pistil hairs (the long white filaments that are present in the calyxes). They will soon start to shrivel up and become darker.

Once you’ve seen this shrivel, it means the female has been pollinated. You can also look at the bracts (the small leaf-like structures that protect the pistil) to check if they have swollen.

If they have, you’ll know for sure that your seeds have been successfully pollinated! You can then take a pair of tweezers, grab a bract and try to open it up. If there’s a seed inside, you’ve just successfully harvested cannabis seeds!

Seed Saving

Regular seed is the type of seed that gardeners save from their own plants. It’s a practice that can help preserve heirloom varieties and promote genetic diversity.

Some of the most popular crops to save seeds from are cucumbers, beans, peas, tomatoes and peppers. These crops self-pollinate, meaning they don’t need pollen from another flower to fertilize their seeds.

In addition, these crops are easy to grow and easy to store. The only thing to remember is to keep them separate from other seeds and don’t let them get mixed up!

Most of the time, saving seeds is as simple as taking a plant’s fruit or leaves and separating the seed from the husk/cob/pod. Some vegetables, such as tomatoes, may require a little more work to dry out and shell the seed.

Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seeds For Sale

regular seeds

Regular seeds are a popular choice among growers who prefer to work with their own genetics. They’re also a good option for those who are looking to produce their own high-quality clones or breed new strains.

Regular cannabis seeds contain a mix of male and female plants that operate exactly how nature intended them to. They have a 50% chance of emerging as either a flowering female or pollen-producing male.


Regular seeds are a great option for those that want to breed their own strains. This way, they can create cannabis varieties that have a particular characteristic, such as yield, terpenes, or flowering time.

The first step is to choose a variety you want to breed with. The goal is to find plants that are similar in height, structure, leaf pattern, and aroma.

When crossing two different strains, it is important to keep good records of the breeding process. This will help you keep track of the traits you’re trying to pass on and make sure you’re not breeding plants with bad or undesirable traits.

You may want to grow out your crosses for a few weeks or even months before putting them in the breeding program, so that you can see what their phenotypes look like under real-world conditions. This also helps to make sure your clones aren’t genetically unstable, which can cause them to fail.


Cloning regular seeds is the process of taking a part of an existing plant and creating a new plant. This can be a great way to introduce a different strain or genetics into your garden.

The downside of cloning is that you have to be patient as it can take a few times before you get a good result. You can also run into problems with clones such as mold or mildew if you don’t keep an eye on them properly.

Likewise, some people feel that cloning is morally wrong because it breaks traditional modes of conception and denies a person an opportunity to form her own identity. This objection comes from the fact that cloning removes God and nature from the conception process, leading to the perception that the resulting ‘designer child’ is less a person in her own right than a ‘possession’.

The most important thing to remember when cloning is that you should only be using a healthy mother plant. Make sure that the plant has plenty of water and nutrients before you begin cloning.

Seeds for sale

Seeds for sale come in many forms, from single seeds to entire cultivated crops. Some companies sell a broad selection, while others specialize in just one area.

Seed Savers Exchange is a great place to buy heirloom and landrace seeds, which are more likely to remain available for generations to come. They also offer a wide range of organic garden products, including potting soil and plant food.

Dutch Passion is a popular seed company that offers several old-school regular weed strains, including White Widow, Orange Bud, and Blueberry. These heritage cannabis genetics are worth growing and preserving for future generations.

Another popular seed company is Herbies Seeds, which offers a wide variety of seeds, from high-THC varieties to feminized seeds and autoflowers. Its beginner-friendly site makes browsing its inventory a breeze, with filters to sort out your preferences quickly. They also have 24/7 customer service by phone.


Regular seeds are a great way to experiment with cannabis cultivars and create your own unique strains. They offer an opportunity to breed a variety of strains with different cannabinoid profiles and terpene blends.

Most growers who are interested in breeding regularly prefer to use regular seeds, as they provide more stable plant genetics than feminized varieties. This is because they haven’t undergone any type of genetic modification to make future generations less stable.

However, some seed banks offer both feminized and non-feminized seeds. This can be a great option for growers who want to save money, as a few of these banks offer discounts for cryptocurrency holders.

While sexing plants can be a bit of a lottery, most breeders find it worth the effort to produce their own seeds from their favorite strains. It’s also a great way to try out new varieties and discover which ones work best for them.

Best Regular Seeds

Top 5 Seeds in World of Warcraft


A seed is the part of a plant that reproduces. It contains an embryo and food reserves that are enclosed in a protective coat called a testa.

When the right conditions are met, a seed emerges from dormancy and begins to grow. The seeds start absorbing water and forming roots that help the plant get nutrients from the soil.

Shipwreck & Iceberg Seed

If you’re looking for a seed that has a lot of different goodies, then this shipwreck & iceberg seed is a great choice. This world generates with a bunch of islands that you can explore and build on.

This icy seed has a lot of challenges that you’ll love to test yourself against. There are plenty of ice spikes that you’ll have to watch out for, and there’s even some polar bears and rabbits roaming around the map.

Another cool feature about this icy Minecraft seed is that it’s also home to some really awesome naturally generated structures. These include a desert village, a temple, and an ocean monument.

This seed also spawns you in a gorgeous round valley that surrounds high mountains. This is a fantastic seed for anyone who wants to build a village and enjoy the beauty of nature in Minecraft.

Deserted Island Seed

The deserted island seed is a fantastic choice for players who want to experience a unique survivalist environment. It spawns you on a small island with a handful of trees and a cave to explore.

A forest biome is also nearby, containing a number of different types of wood that can be used in building. Additionally, there are some other islands spread across the sea and a village on a nearby beach.

This seed is ideal for fans of Minecraft who prefer to explore a world based on their own preferences. It is filled with a variety of structures and landmarks, including a shipwreck, temple, and a mangrove.

It is also loaded with ores, including iron and coal. You can even delve deep underground and dig up some caverns, which will provide you with plenty of diamonds in no time.

Farm Seed

Farm seed is the most reliable and affordable source of food crops for small farmers. It is also the most diverse and resilient.

For centuries, local farming communities have managed, selected, enhanced, multiplied, stored, planted and exchanged seeds. Using their own knowledge systems and inter-generational experiences, they are Africa’s main seed guardians.

But national and regional policies and seed commercial pressures are threatening this essential resource. These forces aim to replace traditional farmer-managed seed systems with industrial, high-yield hybrids and other agronomic technologies which are more efficient and more profitable for seed companies, and at the expense of local diversity, nutrition, biodiversity and agroecology.

As a result, the livelihoods of millions of African small-scale farmers are threatened. Their right to save, improve, exchange, sell and use their own seed varieties is undermined by laws, policies, property rights and technologies that are backed by state-subsidised industrial seeds and the agroecological monoculture they enable.

Wild Horse Seed

Wild horse seed is an excellent choice for restoring habitat to native wild horses. It combines a broad range of grasses, legumes and herbs that are palatable to wild horses.

Wild horses have a natural preference for coarser grasses and herbs, which they break up to form characteristic and species-rich short-sward lawns. Their trampling and wallowing also enhance and maintain soil humus, which in turn provides an excellent habitat for numerous warmth-loving, basking and burrowing insects.

Grazing is an instinctive part of wild horse and burro behavior. They disperse their grazing pressure over large areas within their home ranges.

They do not tend to camp around water sources, like domestic cattle. They also forage in patchy manner, leaving islands of palatable grasses, forbs and shrubs to set seed.

Their rounded, blunt hooves cut less deep and sharply into moist meadow and streamside soils than cloven-hoofed cattle and sheep. This helps plant seeds at perfect depths for germination. In addition, their droppings build the humus content of soil, thereby increasing its ability to retain moisture.