Best Regular Seeds

What Is Regular Seed?

Regular seed is a breeding line of Cannabis plants that expresses an equal balance of male and female chromosomes. This type of Cannabis seed provides growers with a versatile tool for experimenting with new strains.

There are several reasons why a grower might choose regular seed over feminized or autoflowering seeds. These include time, space, and cultivation experience.


Regular seeds are a good option for beginners and breeders alike. They offer the opportunity to create strains that are unique and specific to your growing experience.

Unlike feminized seeds, regular seed has both male and female DNA. This means that the plants will show sex depending on a number of factors.

If you want to breed regular seed, it is important to select the best specimens from a batch. This will ensure that you have the best genetics for your breeding program.

You will also need to keep track of which plant was used for each germ line cell. This will help you to avoid accidental cross-breeding and produce a more consistent result from your breeding process.

Feminized seeds are a great choice for beginners and commercial growers alike, but they do have some disadvantages. For starters, feminized seeds can produce a lot of offspring, which leads to high genetic variability. This can lead to unanticipated results and may even be less stable than regular seed.


Cloning regular seed can be a good way to save money and time. However, clones can introduce pests and disease into your grow room that you would not otherwise have.

Another drawback is that clones lack variety, as the mother plant that produces them is usually limited to one or two strains. This means that the plants produced from clones have a much smaller selection of genetics than those grown from seeds.

This is particularly true if you buy your clones from a dispensary, as the strains they sell may not be the same ones that you’re looking for.

Another downside to cloning is that it may not produce a root system robust enough to transplant into soil. This can make clones take longer to grow than seeds, and you might be disappointed with the final results. Also, clones often have fungicides and pesticides on them that can transfer to your other plants, so be careful about bringing them into your garden.


Regular seeds are seed stock produced by the crossing between a male and female cannabis plant. They contain both sex DNA and can be used to produce either 100% female seeds or 50% male plants and 50% females, depending on several factors.

The process of pollination results in hundreds, if not thousands, of regular seeds that will all in turn produce either male or female plants. As a result, it is often necessary to separate males from females in the early flowering stages of growth to prevent the pollinated buds from producing harsh smoke and minimal cannabinoids.

After 4-6 weeks of pollination, you can begin to harvest fully mature seeds from your plants. Mature seeds are darker in colour and sometimes have stripes on their outer shells. If executed correctly, this can be a great way to get your hands on a healthy batch of seeds, regardless of how many colas you choose to pollinate.

Seed Saving

Saving regular seed is a simple and rewarding practice. It can help you avoid seed shortages or other supply chain issues, and it can also build a better-suited stock of plants for your specific garden.

Many types of crops, including beans, peas, tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers, self-pollinate and are easy to save. You simply remove dry pods from the plant and allow them to dry for a few weeks before shelling them.

If you are trying to maintain a variety ‘as is’, it may be necessary to save seeds from multiple harvests so that a mix of early- and late-maturing plants is included in the sample.

Hybrids, or plants created by humans deliberately crossing two species to produce a third plant with a random combination of traits from each parent, are not good candidates for seed saving. These seeds denoted on the package as “F1” (short for Filial 1, or the first generation of a plant from two cross-bred parents) will not grow true-to-type, so it is advisable to stick with heirloom or open-pollinated varieties for seed saving.

Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seeds – The Essential Things You Need to Start Growing Cannabis

regular seeds

Regular seeds are one of the most essential things you need to start growing cannabis. They allow you to breed and clone (asexually) to reproduce new generations of cultivars.

They are also more genetically stable, meaning that they will not turn hermaphrodite under stress like feminized seedlings can. This is very important if you plan on breeding your own strains or creating hybrids.


Breeding regular cannabis seeds is the process of crossing male and female plants to create new strains that possess the desired characteristics. It’s a great way to achieve genetic diversity and make the most of your seed bank.

Whether you’re a beginner grower or an experienced expert, breeding your own strains is an excellent way to enhance your crop. It’s a simple process that takes only a few steps and can be done with a little practice and knowledge.

You can do it with any kind of cannabis strain, and you can even combine different terpene profiles to produce unique results. A good example would be to cross an indica-dominant strain with a sativa-dominant variety to produce a balanced cultivar.

Regular cannabis seeds can be used to clone any plant you want, so it’s worth experimenting with a few clones before deciding on your next crop. Using regular seeds will give you the chance to replicate specific traits of a plant like morphology or colour, which can come in handy when creating a commercial crop.


Taking cuttings from healthy plants is a great way to start new seeds. It’s also an easy way to test for plant diseases, such as powdery mildew and fungus gnats.

A growing buddy might be willing to take a cutting or two for you, or you could visit the seed bank online and order some. However, you may run into problems if the mother plants have pests or diseases that transfer to the clones.

As they are exact copies of the mother plant, clones carry over all of its traits. This can be a blessing or a curse.

Unlike seeds, clones don’t have to go through the germination and seedling stages, so they grow faster. But they also require a lot more energy.


There are a variety of regular seeds that are used by cannabis growers. Some are smaller and produce more flowers than others, while some have a distinct taste and aroma that reminds of lemon, pineapple or pine.

These seeds can be harvested from female plants, or they can be created by crossbreeding. In this process, a male plant is bred with a female.

Feminized seeds are a great choice for growers who are looking to increase their yields and quality. They’re also perfect for commercial growers who want a specific ratio of female to male plants in their crop.

They’re also a great way to start breeding your own strains. Having a diverse range of genotypes and phenotypes to explore can be incredibly exciting. It’s also a good way to hone your growing skills, so you can be a more effective grower.


Regular seeds are a great way to start your harvest without breaking the bank. They’re cheaper than their feminized counterparts and are more common, meaning you’ll have a much better chance of getting bud-producing plants out of them.

In addition, they’re easier to germinate than their feminised counterparts, and the process is much more straightforward. You’ll also save on time and energy, which is essential for growing small amounts of cannabis for personal use.

As with feminized cannabis seeds, the price of regular seed varieties depends on a number of factors. The quality of the strain, the popularity of the genetics and the difficulty of breeding them all play a role.

Best Regular Seeds

The Importance of Regular Seed

regular seed

Regular seed is a favorite for old-school growers and newbies alike. It offers the chance to cultivate both male and female plants for your own breeding experiments.

Moreover, these seeds are much less prone to hermaphroditism and pest problems than feminized varieties. This is especially true for those who are interested in hybridizing.


When you are a grower and you want to try your hand at breeding your own strains, regular seed is an essential component of the process. Breeding involves picking your favourite male and female plants, crossing them to create offspring that exhibit the best traits from each.

During the process, the plant will begin to produce pollen sacs that are packed with cannabinoids, such as THC and aromatic terpenes. These are what give cannabis its sought-after effects.

Feminized seeds are a great way to make a new strain, but they also have a few disadvantages. First, they are usually more expensive than regular seeds.

However, if you are trying to breed your own strains, they are worth the extra money. Feminized seeds are also a great option if you are new to the hobby of growing and do not have the patience or time to get to know the plant.


Cloning is the process of creating a genetically identical copy of an animal or plant. It can be a controversial issue, however. Some detractors argue that cloning violates Kant’s formula of humanity and is unnatural.

While some clones may appear healthy at birth, it is important to be cautious of potential health problems that might arise later in life. The clone can also be more susceptible to pests and diseases.

When choosing clones, it is essential to look for strong roots and healthy coloring. Brown roots indicate a weak clone that may die in your garden, while yellowing of the plant’s coloring could mean it is sick and infested with pests such as powdery mildew (PM).

Whether you choose to grow from seeds or clones depends on your growing style and the type of plants you are planning on cultivating. However, both options are beneficial in their own way. The key is to try both out and see which one works best in your particular situation.


Pollination is the transfer of pollen from one flower’s stamen to its stigma, which starts the process of producing seeds. This is the only way for plants to produce new seed.

Most flowers require pollination to produce seeds and fruit. Plants attract pollinators by using a variety of characteristics, including the shape, size and color of their flowers.

Often, plants that produce seeds are monoecious: they have both male and female flowers on the same plant. Others are dioecious, meaning they have both male and female flowers on separate plants.

Some plants don’t have flowers at all: they reproduce by spores or by wind-borne pollen. This happens with plants like mosses and ferns.

Many plants have specialized flowers that attract pollinators, such as scarlet beebalm (Monarda didyma) with tubular or spurred petals and columbines with narrow petals and long proboscis. These plants are suited to bees, hummingbirds and butterflies that have longer tongues or can reach the nectar in the base of the corolla tube or spur.


Whether you’re growing vegetables, herbs or flowers, seed germination is essential for the growth of the plant. During this process, seeds absorb water from the soil through their outer shell and grow tiny roots.

Most seeds germinate in 24-72 hours, but some take longer. They need the right conditions to germinate, including humidity, warm temperature, oxygen and darkness.

There are two main ways to germinate seeds: on paper and in water. The first method involves placing seeds on a damp piece of paper, and checking for signs of germination in 3-5 days.

The second method is to place seeds in a glass of water. This is slightly faster than the soil method, but it requires careful adjustment of environmental factors.

Older seeds can be hard to germinate due to poor absorption of water through their outer shell. To overcome this problem, gardeners scarify the seed’s outer coating.