Best Regular Seeds

Cannabis Seed – The Building Blocks of Marijuana Plants

Cannabis seeds are the building blocks of marijuana plants. They contain the essential nutrients and genetics needed to grow your own plants from seed.

There are three main types of cannabis seeds: regular, auto-flowering, and feminized. Each category has its own unique characteristics and benefits.

Male and Female Plants

When you’re growing cannabis seed, it is important to be able to tell the difference between male and female plants. Getting rid of male plants early on will spare you a lot of wasted time, effort, and energy.

The first sign of a plant’s gender is usually around 6 weeks into growth. During this stage, your plant may show signs of “pre-flowers”.

Pre-flowers are little buds that form between the nodes (where leaves and branches grow out of the stalk). Male plants produce pollen sacs, while female plants produce a stigma which catches pollen.

A female flower consists of a cluster of buds, known as a cola. The buds are green tear-shaped and contain a high concentration of cannabinoids and terpenes.


Clones are a type of cannabis seed that are exact genetic copies of their mother plant. This is an excellent option for growers looking for specific strains that they want to cultivate.

But, clones also come with their own drawbacks, as well. First, they can be less pest resistant than seeds and grow slower.

Second, clones can also develop molds or mildew. This is especially true if they are grown in an enclosed environment such as a propagation tray or humidity dome.

If you want to avoid these problems, it’s a good idea to sterilize the tray and dome before rooting your clones. This will prevent the mold spores from forming and spreading. In addition, misting your clones regularly will help them to stay hydrated and keep them healthy.

Feminized Seeds

Feminized seeds are a good choice for growers who want to avoid having to weed out male plants before they pollinate female plants. This ensures that you’ll always have a harvest full of female cannabis plants and no unwanted seeds that could reduce your final crop’s potency.

Unlike regular seeds, feminized seed strains are bred to produce only female plants. This is because only females produce consumable flowers, and having male cannabis plants around them can ruin an entire harvest.

However, feminized seeds can still hermaphrodite (grow into male plants) in some cases, so you should watch out for this potential problem. Fortunately, modern breeders are using creative techniques to ensure female genetics in feminized cannabis seeds.

To find the best feminized seeds for your growing needs, you should start by researching germination rates and expected yields. Some feminized seeds are faster to flower than others, so you may need to keep an eye on your plant’s growth and light-needs to maximize your yield.


Cannabis seed is the raw material that allows a grower to obtain clones from a particular strain. This allows consistent genetics for commercial production.

A cannabis seed is a single cell that contains genetic information from both the mother and father plants. This information can be used to express a variety of traits in the plant.

Germination occurs when a cannabis seed sprouts from the ground and grows its taproot down into the soil. To ensure germination, many seed banks offer a moisture-proof bag or container that can be inserted directly into the soil to germinate seeds.

The best seed banks guarantee a high percentage of germination. These companies typically stock a large inventory of popular strains that are well-reviewed.

These strains usually come with a 100% germination guarantee, so you can count on your seed order to germinate within a few days of arrival. This is a big benefit when compared to seed banks that offer only a few sativa and indica strains.

By Weed Smoker

Rastafarianism is an African religion and there is a great deal of people in the world that follow its teachings. In fact, there are even people that have embraced the lifestyle that is closely associated with Rastafarianism in the past such as musician and entertainer Bob Marley and Rastafarian clothing designer Larry Lloyd.

As the name implies, the Rastafarian lifestyle includes wearing clothes and accessories that are made out of beads, feathers, and other natural materials. The clothing in the Rastafarian tradition often includes animal skin, such as a horse's hide. The hair of the Rastafarian man is also usually long.

The lifestyle of Rastafarians is largely based on traditional ways of living in their native countries, as well as the African traditions and rituals that are passed down. Rastafarians have a great deal of respect for the animals that are part of their diet. Most people that follow this type of lifestyle believe that they have a direct link to the animals that they eat. In fact, in some cases, the animals may be eaten during the ceremony that follows the ceremony.

In addition to having a great deal of respect for the animals, Rastafarians also have a great deal of respect for their hobbies and pastimes. They often dress in clothes that are similar to that of the animals that they eat. Rastafarians also have a great deal of respect for the clothing that they wear and the clothing that is used to decorate their home. The color of the clothing and accessories that are worn by Rastafarians is often very similar to that of the animals that they eat.

Although Rastafarians follow a lifestyle that is based on a natural way of life, some of them do have to be in the workplace. For example, many Rastafarians work as musicians or entertainers. In order to do so, the musician may have to give up some of his or her time in order to become successful. In addition, some musicians choose to work for other musicians, such as Bob Marley and the Wailers. However, other musicians choose to work for themselves, like Bob Marley.

Although the Rastafarian lifestyle is different from that of other people, the Rastafarian lifestyle is also a life of peace and harmony. The Rastafarian people live a simple life where they eat animal meat, live in their own homes, and do not engage in much of the materialistic activities of society.