Choosing a Hybrid Seed
Regular seeds are a good choice when choosing strains for cultivation. These types of seeds have a longer life span than Indica or Sativa and produce more flowers per plant. However, regular seed marijuana are generally less potent than their hybrids counterparts.
Regular seeds. The birth of indica and sativa marijuana seeds twenty years ago, most common seeds were regular seeds. At the same time, feminized plants were introduced and they quickly became the dominant marijuana variety. Over the last twenty years, new hybrid seeds have entered the marketplace, bringing a whole new range of marijuana varieties to the market. However, indica and sativa seeds continue to remain popular for the simple fact that these varieties can grow in small spaces in residential or commercial environments.
Indica plants tend to grow in smaller, more enclosed spaces, while Sativa plants are used to cultivate taller plants in open areas. Both indica and sativa seeds are known to be extremely aggressive in nature, and often produce heavy yields with little care. Therefore, these types of plants tend to be good when it comes to getting high on marijuana.
Indica plants are mostly found in tropical regions like South America and Central America. Although they are well suited for indoor environments, they do best in large spaces. The main differences between indica and sativa plants are that indicas produce more flowers per plant and produce a much larger number of leaves per plant. Sativa plants tend to produce smaller buds and produce fewer leaves per plant.
Sativa plants are not suited for indoor cultivation because the leaves are very short. They are also known to produce a greater number of buds per plant, which is what makes them great for outdoor use in the open.
Indica plants are normally found in large pots and they tend to be more compact than their counterparts; they also grow faster than the Sativa variety. Although both indica and sativa plants are used for getting high, indices are slightly more potent. and therefore have a higher chance of producing a high. Sativacs are popular with many users because of their ease in growing, although they take longer to mature.
Sativa plants are better suited for gardens in residential environments. Although they are not as potent, they still produce more buds per plant than indica and produce a more consistent amount of smoke.
The best choice of hybrid seed for indoor marijuana use is indica or sativa seeds if the type of marijuana you plan on cultivating is an indica or sativa. These types of plants are popular for producing high yields, because they provide more potency per plant. Although indices and sativas can be grown outside, a lot of the growth of both varieties is dependent on light and temperature and if the location is too hot or cold, the plants will not mature properly.
One other thing to consider when choosing a hybrid seed is the type of hybridization process used to create the seeds. Hybrid seed can be created by crossbreeding, self-pollination, and even self-fertilization. Self-fertilization involves taking an indica plant and a sativa plant and then putting the seeds into the soil of a different plant. This type of hybridization method has been widely popular among many marijuana breeders and can help create more consistent results.
When looking for a hybrid seed, there are many things to keep in mind. Most seed companies offer their products in various stages of development, and these are available on a regular basis.
One thing to keep in mind when looking for hybrid seed is that even though a hybrid seed may be sold as a regular seed, it is not always true. Some hybrid seeds are only offered at a reduced rate because the plant will not produce the same level of quality. This is because all hybrid seed are bred at the same time under the same conditions and may contain different genes.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that some hybrid seeds, such as Hawaiian kahuna and Hawaiian kampo, are not the same breed. Even though a Hawaiian kahuna seed may look identical on paper, it is actually a completely different variety because there is not a common gene that causes the plants to be more productive.