Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seed Vs Feminized Seed

Regular seeds are the best choice for growers who value genetic diversity and want to experiment with breeding. However, they require vigilance in the sexing of plants since male plants can pollinate females and produce seeds.

They also offer an opportunity to learn the growing process as nature intended, requiring more attention to nutrient management and environmental conditions.


To a grower who values genetic purity and stability, regular seeds are the only way to go. Even with a careful selection process, feminized seeds have a risky tendency to produce hermaphrodite plants. This means that they develop pollen sacs, which can fertilize other plants and produce seeds in their budding colas.

Because of this, a grower must closely monitor and remove any hermaphrodite plants. This can be time consuming and inconvenient.

While this can make for a lower harvest, it preserves the original plant’s genetics and provides more opportunities for breeders to create new strains. It also allows for more phenotype exploration, which is important for many growers who seek out specific terpenes, effects, and aromas. It is also important for growers who value the natural growth characteristics of their cultivars. These include wood characters such as specific gravity and tracheid and fiber dimensions. In general, trees grown from regular seed tend to be less stable than those produced from feminized seeds.


Clones are cuttings from a mature plant, making them an exact copy of the parent. They take less time to mature because they skip the seedling stage, but they also tend to have lower yields. They are often grown indoors because of their delicate nature and sensitivity to shock.

Researchers have used cloning to build populations of endangered animals, such as the Asian ox known as the guar. These clones have, however, been found to be less healthy than their natural counterparts.

In a lab setting, clones can be bred to produce haploid embryos that are fertilized by sperm. This is a step toward artificial apomixis, in which hybrid plants retain their favorable traits without sexual reproduction. However, this is a costly process because sterile environments and specialized equipment are required. This limits its availability to larger commercial growers. Clones may also be susceptible to the same diseases as their parents, especially if they have been sourced from external sources such as nurseries.

Genetic Diversity

The genetic diversity of a crop species is an important factor in its ability to adapt to environmental changes. Moreover, crop breeders need diverse genotypes for the development of modern varieties with superior quality traits. To this end, they utilize a variety of methods to characterize germplasm, including phenotypic and molecular approaches.

However, the diversity of a plant’s genetic base may be affected by the mating system and other environmental factors. The present study aims to examine how different collection methodologies affect the diversity of a cultivated linseed cultivar and its wild relative in a single growing region.

The results from our multi-environmental phenotyping and diversity analysis show that a wide range of trait-specific, superior accessions are available for agro-morphological and seed quality traits in the evaluated germplasm. In particular, we found that sampling a larger number of mothers resulted in higher genetic diversity in within-site seedling subsamples (within-subsample average genetic distance), which is consistent with previous estimates based on landscape-scale genomics.


While feminized seeds are highly popular because of the time savings they offer, growing regular seed can also be an excellent way to learn about plant sexing and selective breeding. This knowledge is valuable for any cultivator who wishes to grow their own unique strains and expand their cannabis-related horizons.

Another great thing about regular seed is that it can produce a high percentage of female plants without the risk of hermaphrodite production, which can be a major headache for growers who are using techniques like topping, fimming and lollypopping. Hermaphrodites can pollinate the female plants and create seeds, which will reduce the yield and potency of the resulting buds.

Our SSSC regular collection features some of our finest original 1980’s genetics in a seed format that will allow you to explore a world of possibilities in terms of creating your own hybrids and crossings. The price of our regular seed varies depending on the genetics, but it is one of the most affordable categories we carry.

Best Regular Seeds

What is a Seed?

A seed is the embryo of a plant enclosed in a protective covering. It is the product of a mature ovule fertilized by sperm from pollen.

Despite being dormant, seeds are highly complex with resumption of physiological processes and a surprisingly long lifespan. The physiology of these features is important for understanding how seeds survive and germinate.

What is a seed?

The seed of a plant has three basic parts: a protective outer covering, some stored food and an embryo that is the beginnings of a new plant. Its functions are to be dispersed to a new location, remain dormant until conditions are favorable for germination, and nourish the embryo once it starts growing.

Seeds come in a huge variety of shapes and sizes. Some have appendages to entice animal dispersers; others have hooks, barbs or sticky hairs that attach to fur or feathers; and still others have wings for wind dispersal.

Some seeds, like those of the coco de mer, float to be carried considerable distances. They can also be ellipsoid, square or ovate (broader below the middle) or kidney-shaped (reniform). Many seeds are found inside fruits, which are the mature ripened ovaries of flowers.

How do seeds germinate?

The seed germination process begins when the embryo in a dormant seed absorbs water. This water uptake, called imbibition, causes the seed to swell and soften its tough outer seed coat. Then a series of hydrolytic enzymes begin to break down the stored food reserves in the seed embryo and release nutrients for growth.

The rate of germination is greatly affected by internal physiology and the environment, including temperature, moisture, light exposure and oxygen availability. Some seeds have a physical dormancy that requires mechanical action to break, such as breaking open the thick seed coat. Others have a physiological dormancy that requires specific environmental conditions, such as warm soil and cool temperatures.

During the germination process, the primary root anchors the seed to the ground and begins to grow, and the radicle breaks out of the cotyledons to form a small embryonic stem and leaves. The seedling is then ready to grow and utilize sunlight energy for photosynthesis.

What are the different types of seeds?

Seeds come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors and are surrounded by a protective outer covering. They contain nutrients that the young plant needs to grow and are the primary way that angiosperms propagate themselves.

A seed contains an embryo and endosperm. The embryo consists of one or more cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in monocots and two or more cotyledons in dicots. The cotyledons absorb nutrients from the endosperm and provide food for the growing embryo.

The seed coat is a thick membranous layer that performs many different functions, including protecting the embryo from physical, mechanical and temperature-related damage. It also protects the embryo from microorganisms that would otherwise cause it to rot or die. A scar remains on the seed coat, called the hilum, from where it fused with the testa during ovule development.

How do seeds stay viable?

Seeds can stay alive a long time if they are stored properly. On average, seeds will remain viable for about three years after the “packed for” date on the packet. However, the viability of seeds depends on the type of seed and how they are stored.

The biggest threat to seed viability is moisture. Keep your seeds dry by storing them in a dark, cool place with low humidity. You can also use silica gel packets or powdered milk to absorb any moisture from the seeds’ storage containers. Stored in this way, seeds can last 10 years or more. The germination rate of seeds will decrease over time, but they will still be viable for a few years after their package date. This is a natural process due to the DNA damage that accumulates during seed dormancy.

What are the benefits of saving seeds?

Seed saving is a practice of gardening that allows gardeners to take control over their food and limit their dependence on large seed companies. It is an ancient tradition that has been revived by those who want more variety and better control of their crops.

By saving seeds from plants that perform well in your garden, you will have a greater chance of replicating that success season after season. This is especially true for fruiting crops like tomatoes, peppers, squash, melons, and cucumbers.

Another benefit is the ability to share your seeds with others in your community or swap for new varieties. This can also save money since seeds are much cheaper than plant starts. Saving and sharing open-pollinated seeds is part of a larger movement to reclaim the commons and fight against patenting and copyright laws.

Best Regular Seeds

The Benefits of Regular Seeds

Regular seeds operate exactly as nature intended. There is a 50% chance that each seed will germinate as either a male or female plant. This is good news for new growers who want to explore breeding.

Cultivating regular cannabis plants requires attention to nutrient management and environmental control. The potential for hermaphroditic plants must be carefully identified and removed to prevent pollination, which reduces potency and yield.

They are cheaper

Regular seeds are cheaper than feminized and are perfect for growers who want to try out different cultivars. They are also ideal for genetic purists who want to keep a strain’s original lineage intact. This is especially true for breeders who are looking to preserve the best old school strains like Skunk #1, Northern Lights, and AK-47.

Regular marijuana seeds are able to produce both male and female plants, which makes them suitable for breeding new strains. These seeds are also easier to take cuttings from, allowing growers to create fully-viable and reliable clones. Herbies offers a variety of premium regular strains that are suitable for both novice and professional cultivators. These include the multi-cannabis cup winner Kerosene Krash and the legendary Chemdawg.

Feminized seeds are produced by inducing hermaphroditism in the flower of a female plant using one of two techniques. While feminized seeds are generally more stable than regular seeds, they still have a small chance of producing hermaphrodites. This is why many people prefer to use regular seeds.

They are more stable

For growers who want to explore a wider range of strains or breed new cultivars, regular seeds are the way to go. However, they do require vigilance in sexing to avoid accidental pollination. This can be stressful, especially for new growers, but it is well worth the effort to ensure a high-quality harvest.

The main difference between feminized and regular seeds is that feminized plants contain female chromosomes (XX) while regular plants contain both male and female chromosomes, (XY). Therefore, when breeding a feminized seed with a regular seed, only hermaphrodite plants can be produced. For a true genetic purist, this is an absolute deal-breaker. Fortunately, our selection of regular seeds is diverse enough to accommodate everyone. We also offer a variety of nutrient regimens and environmental controls to ensure optimal growth and prevent stress that can lead to hermaphroditic phenotypes. This allows you to cultivate your favorite strains in their most authentic form. The result is a delicious harvest that is a testament to your cultivation skills.

They are easier to breed

Regular seeds preserve the genetic stability of a plant, making them ideal for breeding. This allows breeders to cross strains and create new cannabis varieties with desirable traits. They also allow for the possibility of phenotype variation, which can result in unique variations in appearance, aroma, and effect.

SSSC’s regular cannabis seed collection includes many popular strains. Each has its own unique characteristics, flavors, and effects that cater to different growers’ needs. Some of our most popular varieties include Creamy Kees, Karel’s Haze, and Frosty Friday.

Growing regular cannabis requires vigilance in sexing to remove male plants and prevent accidental pollination. However, with experience, sexing becomes easier over time. This also allows for a more natural cultivation process, which can be helpful to cultivators who want to develop their own strains. They can experiment with various combinations of genotypes and phenotypes to find the best mix for their particular environment and growing goals. Additionally, growing regular seeds can help cultivators learn about the intricacies of plant sexing and selective breeding.

They are more resistant to pests

A major reason why some growers choose regular seeds is because they are cheaper to produce. This is because the plants do not need to be feminized and so are not as expensive to cultivate. They also produce a higher yield and have the potential to grow into seedless buds that are suitable for smoking.

Regular seeds have a higher genetic stability than their feminized counterparts, meaning that they are more resistant to pests. This resistance is due to natural selection and genetic diversity, and can be passed on to future generations.

Additionally, growing regular seeds allows cultivators to learn about plant sexing and breeding. This is an important skill that can be useful in the future when creating new cannabis strains. This is why many of the strains that we offer at ACE Seeds are available as regular seed varieties. This includes the legendary Chemdawg and our line of Stardawg seeds, which encapsulates all the traits that make this strain so special.